To find your "Dead Documents"

Documents and data become old and die, but they don't disappear on their own. Take some time this October to tidy up!

You probably store data in more places than you realize, and you should spend at least half an hour or more to tidy up and find those dead documents. Some things may need to be moved to a different location, while other things you can definitely delete right away.

Where to start tidying?

  • The hard drive on your laptop, work computer, and personal computer
  • The M: drive
  • Your email
  • USB drives and external hard drives
  • OneDrive and SharePoint
  • Shared area for research data
  • Downloads folder on your PC
  • Perhaps you have UiO data in your personal Dropbox?
  • Department/study program's shared area or wiki
  • Folders in Teams
Publisert 12. okt. 2023 13:51 - Sist endret 12. okt. 2023 13:52