Norwegian version of this page

Data Sharing Guide

This guide informs you how to securely share and send information. Click the headings below to read more about how you can share different categories of data.

The colors in the table are based on the different classifications of information used at UiO. You can find more information about the different information classes and their meanings here.


Strictly confidential
Intern e-post Yes Yes See below No
Ekstern e-post Yes See below No No
"Del"-knapp i Office 365 Yes Yes No No

Teams, OneDrive,
SharePoint, Mattermost

Yes Yes No No
FileSender Yes Yes No No
FileSender + 7-Zip-kryptering Yes Yes Yes No
Zoom Yes Yes Yes No
EduCloud Share Yes Yes Yes No
UiO SafeShare Yes Yes Yes No
TSD Yes Yes Yes Yes


The table should cover the most important use cases and tools for sharing information, but is not meant to be exhaustive. If you are missing a tool from the table, please refer to the ratings described in the service catalog

Sharing or sending open or publicly available (green) information

Sending and sharing email, files and documents

Open data can be safely sent internally and to third parties by e-mail. You do not need to take any special precautions. When sending large files, you should use FileSender or the "Share" button in Office 365, as recipients may have restrictions on the attachment size they can receive via email.

You may also share files using SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive, Mattermost or other appropriate tools. Remember that communications with external parties may be subject to archiving requirements.

Do you want to archive research data?

Please refer to the University Library's pages on archiving research data.

Sharing and sending restricted (yellow) information

Sending and sharing files and documents

Files containing restricted information are typically easiest to share through Teams and OneDrive, both internally and externally. External sharing can be done with specific individuals using the "share" button in Office 365. For sending large files or if you want to encrypt them, we recommend using FileSender or UiO SafeShare.

Large amounts of personal data should always be treated as confidential (red) information. Contact the Data Protection Officer if you are unsure or have questions.

Internal email communication of restricted information

Emails containing restricted information can be sent internally (between addresses).

External email communication of restricted information

Emails containing restricted information can be sent to specific external or third-party recipients.

Received restricted information?

Restricted information can usually be stored on IT equipment and in systems secured with login access through your UiO IT account. Teams and OneDrive, for example, can be used for storing restricted information. Refer to the storage guide for a complete overview of suitable storage locations for restricted information.

Sharing and sending confidential (red) information

Sending and sharing files and documents

When sending confidential information, the data should always be encrypted according to the recommendations of the Norwegian Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet). Please note that passwords to unlock content should never be shared in the same channel as the content itself.

We recommend encrypting documents using 7-Zip and sending them using FileSender. Alternatively, you can use UiO SafeShare, which has built-in approved encryption and password protection. Outlook and OneDrive are not approved for red data.

If you have an EduCloud project, you can also share up to red data with external parties using EduCloud Share.

Remember that you cannot work with red data in folders that are synchronized to a cloud service.

Internal email communication of confidential information

Emails containing red data can be sent internally between UiO employees.

When sending files and documents, we recommend encrypting them using 7-Zip and sending them using FileSender. Alternatively, you can use UiO SafeShare, which has built-in approved encryption and password protection.

External email communication of confidential information

Confidential information should not be sent to external parties without encrypting the content using an appropriate tool. We recommend encrypting documents using 7-Zip and sending them using FileSender. Alternatively, you can use UiO SafeShare, which has built-in approved encryption and password protection.

Received confidential information?

Downloading files and attachments should only be done on devices owned and operated by UiO.

Refer to the storage guide for more information on suitable storage locations.

Sharing and sending strictly confidential (black) information

Processing confidential information (black classification)

TSD is the only approved storage location for black data at UiO.

Content classified as strictly confidential should never be sent via email. Contact if you believe you have received or plan to send strictly confidential information.

Published Aug. 16, 2023 8:29 AM - Last modified Oct. 12, 2023 12:38 PM