This is identity theft
If someone:
- is wholly or partly capable of performing some form of unwanted transaction in another person's name
- gains access to resources belonging to others
- wrongfully aquire rights belonging to others
Identity theft can happen by someone gaining access to your national identity number from:
- your UiO access card
- other ID
- Internet (for example if a institution who has your national identity number accidentially publishes it)
- letters or documents that are thrown out in stead of being shredded
What can happen?
If someone has access to your national identity number, it is relatively easy to create a fake ID in your name, but with a different picture. With this ID someone can get new credit cards, mobile phone subscriptions, they can buy expensive items on credit, furniture and clothes etc.
What do I do when the damage has been done?
If you're credit or debit card is missing or has been stolen, it is important to block them by calling your bank.
If you think your national identity number has possibly been taken, there are some precautions to take: Any Norwegian company providing credit services makes a credit chech of the customer in advance. You can prevent misuse of your identity by blocking the credit check from the Norwegian credit information companies.
You may also consider blocking any requested redirects of your mail to prevent scammers from exploiting this to obtain mail that may contain personal information.