Dear TSD users,
on Weds 10/02 at 2:00 a.m. the new filelock code will be deployed.
In the new version, all the imported files older then 30 days will be AUTOMATICALLY DELETED from the outside of the filelock (that is, they will not be visible on the left hand window of the FileZilla or on the left-hand side window of WindSCP). Similarly the exported files older then 30 dys will be deleted from the inside of the filelock on the TSD filesystem (that is, they will not be visible on the right hand window of the FileZilla or on the right hand side window of WindSCP).
But do not be afraid! The imported file will be in the /tsd/fx/import folder and will not be touched. Instead we assume that in 30 days you have already collected and stored the exported files outside TSD.
The reason why we enable this feature is to avoid the saturation of the filelock disk space, thus compromising the performance of the service.
Finally I take the opportunity to remind you once more that the filelock is not meant to be a staging place. Instead we expect that the imported files will be moved in the proper location in the /tsd/pxx project area, while the exported file will be collected outside TSD immediately.
Thanks for you understanding.
Enjoy TSD: it is safe!