HPC for research training course April 2020

Postponed due to corona virus outbreak

Training in using High-performance Computing (HPC) efficiently, for Abel users. The course is also open for all users of Notur systems, but examples and specifics will pertain to Abel.


This time we have a  research computing training week in collaboration with the software carpentry initiative, to be held in April 14,15 , 2020

This course is designed for Notur as well as local users. This event is especially suitable for scientists who wish to learn more about how they can use  SAGA computer cluster for their research.

*Please note that it is not possible to get credit points for this course.


Registration: will be open 1st MarchPostponed due to corona virus outbreak


Software carpentry - UNIX terminal basics

The HPC training course requires a working knowledge of the UNIX terminal (also know as as "the command line" or "the bash shell". We are collaborating with the University of Oslo software carpentry to provide our users with this knowledge.  Please note that if you do not have a working knowledge of the terminal it will be impossible to follow the HPC lessons.

Carpentry@UiO : https://www.ub.uio.no/english/courses-events/courses/other/Carpentry/software-carpentry/

Please use the following link to find carpentry lesson that suits you : https://www.ub.uio.no/english/courses-events/courses/other/Carpentry/software-carpentry/time-and-place/

* There will be at least two "Unix Bash Shell workshops" before the HPC course week. 


  HPC for beginners  

Room : Aud Smalltalk , Ole-Johan Dahls hus

This session is for users starting to use Abel and provides basic training on how to run a job. The lessons marked with requires a laptop with a UNIX terminal.
Time and place Title Lecturer Description
09:15 - 09:45 Connect to  HPC Sabry Razick


09:45 - 12:00 HPC for beginners Sabry Razick



13:15 - 15:00 HPC hands-on Sabry Razick


15:15 - 16:00 How to ask for help or software  Bj?rn-Helge Mevik

Description: Where can you get help or ask for software on Abel or Colossus? What should you do before sending in a help request? How do you write an email that is likely to get a good reply, and what should you include?  

Target Audience: All Abel or Colossus users  

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Abel or Colossus

Slides :Slides


 HPC for advanced users  

Room : Aud Smalltalk , Ole-Johan Dahls hus






Sabry Razick
Tags: Abel, HPC
Published Feb. 10, 2020 10:02 AM - Last modified Apr. 25, 2022 12:32 PM