On January 1st 2023, the new joint IT organization for UiO comes into force. The organisation's vision is to be user-oriented, inclusive, highly competent and creative, and already in November we are seeing results of the user-orientation in the form of a survey that is sent to all faculty, staff and students.
At UiO, there is two-factor authentication for all employees and students for Microsoft 365 and services with Feide login.
From 8 August 2022, UiO teaching staff who use Canvas can start using Panopto. With the combination of Panopto and Canvas, you can easily record lectures from home or from an auditorium/classroom, and you get user-friendly editing of the video and automatic upload to Canvas.
Many have already activated two-factor authentication for Microsoft 365 at UiO, and on 20 June the project will continue with the activation of two-factor authentication requirements for services that use Feide login for both faculty/staff and students. From 20 June students will also need two-factor authentication for MS 365, which faculty/staff has used for some time already.
On May 20th, the university director made the decision to give go-ahead to the new, joint IT organization at UiO. The new organization will be operational from January 1st 2023.
Most people are already used to confirming logon with their mobile phone when they log in to the online bank, see a tax return or use helsenorge.no. Now UiO also becomes "safe as the bank" and introduces two-factor authentication.