- The preferred wireless network for UiO and Eduroam users.
- Connects you to the wireless networks at UiO and at other institutions with access to Eduroam.
- Uses WPA2-enterprise with PEAP or TTLS.
- Connect by using UiO or Eduroam username and password. Enter to gain access.
- When logging in to the network for the first time, you might use the network uioguest to gain access.
- The wireless network for guest users who are only at UiO for a short period of time. This network may also be used if you need access to the wireless network at UiO before you have recieved your username and password.
- Follow the instructions on the first web page you open. You will get a password sent to your phone. This will give you access for 12 hours.
- This network is not encrypted.
- Is only used for conferences.
- The password is distributed by the organizer.
- Only for employees at UiO.
- Cannot be chosen by the user when connecting, only by local IT when the computers is being installed.
- Users who are able to connect to the uioAD network, does not need a username and password. The network will recognize the computer.
- The laptop will work like a office computer. You will have access to printers, network disks (M and public disks) and more.
Contact local IT for installation and customization of you want access to the uioAD network on your laptop.