Block storage

USIT offers specialized storage over FibreChannel for i.e. storage of virtual machines, databases or other solutions that need block storage.


Block storage is mainly used internally in the USIT server room.

We have block storage based on both tiering of different disk layers (SSD, 10k and 7.2k) and a more expensive all-flash for even higher performance / lower latency.

Contact us if you need assistance or advice for block storage solutions. Please see points of contact below.


The UiO internal price per TiB per year for the standard block is 4,000, - incl. VAT.

The UiO internal price per TiB per year for the all-flash block is 6,500, - including VAT.

Getting started

Staff and members of faculty can order bock storage.

Points of contact

Inquiries can be directed to .