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Link to subscription to email list

If users want to be able to set up or unsubscribe from a mailing list themselves, you can post a link to the appropriate page in Sympa.

A subscription link is especially useful for newsletter lists. The link can also be entered on websites that mention the email list, so that it is easy for users to sign up. The links you need for this are on the left of the list page in Sympa.

How to find the Subscribe or Unsubscribe link:

  • Go to, and use Feide to log in with your UiO username and password.
    • If you are a member of the list or an administrator of the list, select it from My lists on the left of the screen.
    • You can also Search for list(s) by name or topic, or you can Browse lists by categories shown in the screenshot.

      Screenshots of Browse lists by categories
  • Once you have found the mailing list, click Subscribe or Unsubscribe in the menu on the left.
  • Copy the URL of the page from the address bar of your browser and paste this URL as a link at the bottom of your email or on a web page.
  • Users can click on the link and go directly to the list subscription page.
Published Aug. 2, 2024 10:09 AM - Last modified Aug. 2, 2024 10:22 AM