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Talkwall - get students engaged in learning conversations

Talkwall is designed to facilitate learning conversations among students. It encourages genuine 'thinking together' by enabling students to easily share and build upon each other's ideas. 

What is Talkwall?

Image may contain: Mobile phone, Communication Device, Portable communications device, Gesture, Telephony.

Talkwall is a free and research-based tool for sharing short messages on a  digital screen or smartboard.

The short message format supports oral activities and collaborative knowledge building.

  • The teacher creates tasks and asks questions.
  • Participants work individually, in groups, or as a whole class.
  • Participants have access to each other's contributions and can build upon them.
  • All contributions are displayed on a digital screen or whiteboard, and they can be organized, discussed, and further developed collectively

How to use Talkwall?

In collaboration with IDEA, we have developed videos that showcase the key features of Talkwall, including how to log in, add, edit, and delete contributions, zoom in and out on the board, and how to sort and filter ideas.

How to engage students in quality dialogue?

Below, you will find resources to develop your skills and competencies further- creating even better dialogues in your teaching  - with or without Talkwall:

Get started

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