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Terms of Service at GPT UiO

1. Description of the Service

1.1 The IT department at the University of Oslo (“Service Provider”) offers (“Service”), an artificial intelligence chatbot tool capable of generating textual content based on instructions ("prompts"). It utilizes large language models, known as LLM, to generate responses.

2. Users

2.1 Any individual who uses the Service is considered a user (“Users”, “User”).

3. Scope

3.1 These terms of service apply to the Service and all Users.

3.2 For Users not affiliated with the University of Oslo (“UiO”), the Service Agreement and Data Processing Agreement established between the Service Provider and the User's institution (“Customer”) also apply.

3.3 For Users associated with UiO (“UiO-users”), these terms of service apply in addition to UiO’s existing internal procedures.

4. Privacy

4.1 The processing of personal data in connection with the use of the Service is governed by the Data Processing Agreement between the Service Provider and the Customer, and the accompanying privacy statement. For UiO-users, the respective general privacy statements of the Service and UiO apply.

4.2 The privacy statement of the Service is available at: /tjenester/it/gpt/personvern/ and the general privacy statement of UiO is available at: /english/about/regulations/privacy-declarations/

5. User Obligations

5.1 Use of the Service: The Service must only be used in accordance with these terms of service and UiO’s IT regulations. The User must comply with these terms and all applicable laws when using the Service. The Service can only be used for purposes related to the University of Oslo or the Customer's operations, and cannot be used as a tool for general content production.

5.2 Usage Restrictions:

a. The User shall not use the Service in violation of UiO’s IT regulations or other internal guidelines, applicable law, including storing criminal material on the services or material in conflict with intellectual property rights, using the services to perform or attempt to perform illegal or harmful actions against individuals, society, the Service, subcontractors, or the University of Oslo.

b. The User shall not use the Service to develop or disseminate harmful software, viruses, or other malicious code.

c. The User shall not misuse the Service to generate or spread misleading or false information.

d. The User shall not decompile, translate, or otherwise attempt to uncover the source code or underlying components in the models, algorithms, and systems in the services (except to the extent such restrictions are in violation of applicable law).

e. The User shall not deceive third parties by claiming that output from the Service was generated by humans when that is not the case.

f. The User shall not use the service to make decisions without appropriate human supervision, if the decision can entail consequences that legally affect or similarly significantly affect individuals.

g. The User shall not use the service for content, including both input and output, that:

  • describes, contains, promotes, or is used for purposes related to sexual abuse and exploitation of children
  • describes or is used for purposes related to grooming
  • describes or is used for purposes related to human trafficking
  • describes, supports, promotes, glorifies, encourages, and/or instructs individuals in suicide and self-harm
  • describes, contains, or promotes violence, violent content, and violent behavior
  • describes, supports, promotes, glorifies, encourages, and/or instructs individuals in terrorism and violent extremism
  • promotes or is used for purposes related to violent threats, incitement to, or glorification of violence
  • is used for purposes related to hate speech and discrimination
  • is used for purposes related to bullying and harassment
  • is used for purposes related to intentional fraud, deception, and disinformation
  • is used for inauthentic interactions, such as fake accounts, automated fake activity, impersonation to obtain unauthorized information or privileges, and for content claiming to be from individuals, companies, public agencies, or others without explicit permission for this

5.3 UiO-users should only use the Service for data processing in accordance with UiO's Storage Guide and in line with UiO's Classification Guide.

5.4 The User is responsible for having the necessary approvals, having made necessary assessments, or having obtained necessary approval for the processing of personal data. Personal data must not be processed in the Service in violation of the necessary assessment, approval, recommendation, and/or ethical evaluation.

5.4 The User may not export data subject to export control using the Services without specific permission.

5.5 The User must not use the services for purposes other than those specified in the description of the service under section 1.

5.6 The User undertakes not to share usernames and passwords/one-time codes with other people.

5.7 The User must not store data in the Service longer than necessary to achieve the purpose of using the Service.

5.8 The Service Provider expects the following from users of the service:

  • Trust: The Service should only be used according to the intentions of the services. If possible or actual (deliberate/incorrect) misuse is discovered, it should be reported immediately to the Service Provider, and actual misuse should cease immediately.
  • Honesty: The services should be used with common sense and best intentions.
  • Respect: The Service Provider expects respect for colleagues, the employees of the Service Provider, the privacy of research participants, society, ecosystem, cultural heritage, and the environment.
  • Reliability: Users are responsible for their use of the services and for the data they process in the services; for example, it is expected that users comply with the data minimization principle, other requirements in the GDPR, conditions set by REK, and any other requirements applicable to the individual processing. Users are responsible for their use of the service, as well as responsible for the financial costs the usage incurs.

6. Miscellaneous

6.1 IT operational personnel at the University of Oslo can undertake necessary interventions towards the User to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and robustness of the Service.

7. Violation of the Terms

7.1 In the event of a breach of these terms, the Service Provider reserves the right to suspend use of the Services. Obvious/deliberate misuse of the services can lead to immediate exclusion.

7.2 The University of Oslo can never be held liable for loss or damage resulting from the User's violation of these terms or any other unlawful use of the Services carried out by the User.

8. Changes to the Terms

8.1 In the event of changes to these terms, the User will be notified within a reasonable time before the change takes effect.

Published Sep. 14, 2023 3:30 PM - Last modified Apr. 2, 2024 8:30 PM