Norwegian version of this page

Data protection regulations and terms of use for Nettskjema

  1. Nettskjema can be used for collection of information by anybody who has a UiO user name or any institutions who have signed a Data processor agreement with UiO/USIT.

  2. Nettskjema shall not be used for long-term storage of data. When a form no longer receives new data, the form must be deleted from Nettskjema. If they are to be kept, the data collected must be downloaded and stored in an appropriate location or sent directly for storage in TSD.

  3. All data must be deleted no later than 12 months after submission of the last response. In case of failure to do so, all personal data will be cleared from the form. This will not concern data delivered to TSD.

  4. Forms without submissions the last 12 months will automatically be closed for new submissions.

  5. Before using Nettskjema you must have read and accepted the rules for use of IT services at the University of Oslo.

  6. All processing of personal data related to the use of web-based forms must comply with the provisions in the Personal Data Act (see the guidelines for responsible data collection and use of web-based forms). If you have any questions concerning the handling of personal data go to Data protection at UiO.

  7. All users of Nettskjema are responsible for staying updated with regard to amendments to data protection regulations and terms of use. Amendments to the terms will be announced through the message service for Nettskjema.

  8. In Nettskjema, the following personal information is stored:

    1. Username, full name and email address from users who edit a form

    2. Information on the user’s access rights and any amendments that have been made to the form.

    3. Information on the respondent to a form:

      • Only data shown to the responendet in the form is stored. Forms with a login or direct link from an email can auto fill questions about email, name, user name and time of submission.

      • Anonymized forms store only information on whether a person has responded to a form or not. In this case, the person cannot be linked to the submitted form.

See Annotated edition of Data protection regulations and terms of use for Nettskjema.

Published Sep. 25, 2014 11:54 AM - Last modified Nov. 30, 2024 12:59 PM