Creating a New Instrument
- Click on INSTRUMENTS in the navigation menu and then Instruments in the submenu.
- Click on the + Add Instrument/Asset button at the top right corner
- If it is the first instrument in your core, use the CREATE AN INSTRUMENT FROM SCRATCH option at the bottom of the page. Choose an option in the Instrument Availability field from the list and click the Continue button. You will then see a new page where you must first register essential details before adding any additional information or configuring the booking settings, etc.
- If you want to create an instrument that is very similar to an existing one, the CREATE AN INSTRUMENT BY CLONING AN EXISTING ONE option is useful.
- You can choose among different Instrument Availability options, but this will not automatically affect the instrument's settings. So initially, you can choose Freely bookable.
- Fill out at least the following fields:
- NAME field: The name of the instrument in the form [manufacturer - model - function – "internal nickname"/numbering]. Please note that the name needs to be unique across the entire UiO.
- CORE field: Select your core from the dropdown menu.
- Click on the Submit button at the bottom.
The instrument is now registered in the system and can be edited for further setup.