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Find instruments

There are several ways to find instruments; it is up to your preference and convenience.

Get an Overview of Instruments under a Selected Core

Click on INSTRUMENTS in the navigation menu to view all active instruments under the selected core. INSTRUMENTS in the navigation menu is selected, and the main content shows instruments in card view.

  • If multiple cores are selected, all instruments under the selected cores will be shown.
  • Searching using the search box on the Instruments page will only return instruments under the selected cores.
  • The default display mode is card view. Click the Table button to switch to table view.

Search Across the System

If you want to find instruments/services across the entire system and not just under the selected core, use the search box at the top of the page and enable the Search all cores toggle. At the top of the page, there is a toolbar. There is a search box in the middle. When you click on the search box, a modal window appears with the option "Search all cores". Enable this to search for instruments and services.

  • Here, you can search for all types of Assets (cores, instruments, services, etc.).
  • You can also search by attributes, such as building name, instrument features, etc., as long as these are registered.
Published Jan. 26, 2022 1:34 PM - Last modified July 26, 2024 10:38 AM