Student pitch success at Day Zero

As part of the national SDG Conference, UiO:Energy and Environment hosted a student pitch to kick off the conference - an informal contest where students presented their research on energy, environment and sustainability to other students and fellow academics.

Image may contain: Adaptation, Table, Event, Plant, Stage equipment.

From left: Johannes Fatland Skjeie, Frida Hope Carpenter, and Aslak Burheim

Students at master and PhD level working on topics related to energy, environment and sustainability were invited to present their research projects. The students covered a very broad range of topics such as energy consumption, hydropower,  environmental activism, batteries, energy infrastructure development and conflicts, and snow depth modelling.  After the presentations, both the participants and the audience voted to decide on the best presentation, which warranted a prize of Interrail tickets.

Satisfied students

Frida Hope Carpenter, Aslak Burheim and Johannes Fatland Skjeie, all master students at Department of Informatics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, participated in the pitch as a group. The project presented to the audience was about visualizing energy usage in the upcoming Life Science building in a creative and informative way through a physical installation.

– The event was very instructive, and it was exciting to learn more about the projects of the other students after being so tightly focused on our own work for some time, the students said, and added:

– To present a project you have spent more than a year on in only five minutes is a difficult task, as there is so much you can talk about. But it was very helpful to both learn and practice on presenting our work in such a short and concise manner.

Impressing participants

Vebj?rn Bakken, Director of UiO:Energy and Environment, moderated the event.

– The pitching session was both entertaining and enlightening, and I'm really impressed by the communication skills of all the participants. They were able to explain key parts of the research they are doing in a highly compressed, yet very clear way - to a general audience! I also really enjoyed the diversity of the sustainable research presented, both in terms of topics, disciplines and methodologies.

The SDG Conference

The annual SDG Conference Bergen brings together research and higher education communities, politicians, government officials, NGOs and industry to discuss the university sector's engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Institutions are invited to host their own events as a joint effort to kick off the conference.

Published Feb. 28, 2023 1:20 PM - Last modified Feb. 28, 2023 11:30 PM