UiO:Energy becomes UiO:Energy and Environment

UiO?s strategic priority area UiO:Energy will be continued from 2023 to 2027, with a wider scope which also includes climate and the environment. This was approved by the University Board today.

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– I am very pleased that the board has given its go-ahead for the continuation of UiO:Energy as UiO:Energy and Environment. Energy, climate, and the environment are strongly intertwined through impacts on both nature and society, so it makes sense that the strategic priority area should reflect this. The new scope also follows logically from UiO?s new and comprehensive climate and environmental strategy, says Vebj?rn Bakken, Director of UiO:Energy.

He continues:

– More specifically, this means that attention is shifted to an even greater extent from only looking at new technological solutions to also embracing how these solutions can be developed and used in a fair, inclusive, and sustainable way.

UiO:Energy?s continuation was discussed at the previous board meeting in February, but was withdrawn after the board requested more information on how the strategic priority area fits in with, among other things, the plans for a sustainability hub at Nedre Blindern.

- We are very pleased with the continuation of UiO:Energy in a new and even more inclusive form as UiO:Energy and Environment. This is a very important cross-faculty initiative. It will mean a lot to UiO in the coming years, working with climate, environment and sustainability, says Rector Svein St?len.

UiO:Energy was established in 2012 as a long-term, cross-disciplinary and cross-faculty strategic priority area on sustainable energy. The priority area has contributed to achieving UiO's goals as set out in Strategy 2020, including realising key research policy objectives and meeting society's need for new knowledge within the fields of health, environment, and sustainable energy. The investment was continued in 2017, and the current operational period lasts until 2022.

– Many of the goals in the program platform and development plan have been achieved. UiO is positioned in a much better way when it comes to international energy research and education today than in 2012. New research environments have emerged, and the externally funded portfolio has increased significantly, Bakken says.

– UiO:Energy has also built up competence in cross-disciplinary education, which was appreciated by the student representatives on the University Board.

UiO:Energy and Environment is one of three strategic priority areas at the University of Oslo, together with UiO:Life Sciences and the upcoming UiO:Democracy. These are all aligned with three of the long-term priorities that UiO has put forward to the ministry’s new Long-term plan for research and higher education, as well as academic priorities in Oslo Science City.

Published Mar. 9, 2022 10:45 AM - Last modified Mar. 28, 2023 5:00 AM