First board meeting for UiO:Energy and Environment

The new board of UiO:Energy and Environment had its first board meeting on December 15th. The board decided to continue the initiative's open funding schemes within internationalization, research and education, ensuring that there will be no interruption in these funding mechanisms.

Image may contain: Font, Circle, Logo, Science, Terrestrial plant.

New board members

- We’re very pleased to get started with the renewed strategic initiative, and having the first board meeting this early ensures a smooth transition from UiO:Energy to UiO:Energy and Environment, says director Vebj?rn Bakken.

Formally, the board is appointed from January 1st 2023 for a period of two years, and it has the following members:


  • Bj?rn Jamtveit, Vice dean of research, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Chair)
  • Tore Nilssen, Pro-dean of research, Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Mathilde Skoie, Pro-Dean of research, Faculty of Humanities
  • Sidsel Roalkvam, Centre Director, Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM)
  • Finn Arnesen, Head of Department, Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law
  • Mathias Meyer, Student representative, The Student Parliament

An employee representative will also be appointed by the Rectorate.

Any application submitted to UiO:Energy and Environment from 2023 and onwards must relate to one or more of the four new main research areas. Compared with UiO:Energy, the scope has been widened significantly to encompass sustainable energy, climate and the environment using a more holistic approach. For each of the main research areas a number of subtopics are listed, these are intended as examples of key topics and should not be interpreted as being exclusionary.

- The new main research areas represent an expansion, and we’re looking forward to interact with and get to know even more researchers and students at UiO, says Bakken. For example, we hope to support a significantly larger number of student research projects in 2023.

The board also discussed the future of UiO:Energy and Environment’s larger funding schemes, i.e. Thematic Research Groups and Convergence Environments. A new call for Thematic Research Groups is planned for 2023, with an announcement before summer and a deadline for submission most likely in the fall. Convergence Environments require that a sufficient number of recruitment positions are secured, and a new call is unlikely to be launched until 2024

Published Dec. 19, 2022 10:34 AM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2023 9:17 AM