7 applications for new Thematic Research Groups

UiO:Energy?s call for new Thematic Research Groups have resulted in applications involving researchers from all together four faculties and Centre for Development and the Environment.

– We are happy to have received seven applications covering very different topics and with a wide range of disciplines involved. We were a bit anxious about how the situation with the pandemic would affect our call. It has obviously been more difficult than usual to establish new collaborations across research groups, departments and/or faculties, says Vebj?rn Bakken, Director of UiO:Energy.

– In addition, we know there are several groups of researchers who started discussing project ideas but felt that it was too early to write up a proposal at this stage, he says and adds:

– This is the second call for Thematic Research Groups, and we’re very pleased to see new constellations of researchers that have not previously applied for funds from UiO:Energy.

The applications are now being distributed to external reviewers.

– We hope to have all the evaluations ready within a couple of months. The final decision on financing will be made by UiO:Energy's board in the second half of April. The projects that receive funding can, if they so wish, start up immediately – or at the latest in the spring of 2023, says Bakken.

He is excited about further strengthening activities at UiO within the fields of sustainable energy and the energy transition.

– The funding through the Thematic Research Groups is limited to 4 MNOK in total, but we hope these will be successful projects that are able to secure further funding through future calls for example from the Research Council of Norway or Horizon Europe, says Bakken.

Published Jan. 26, 2022 1:40 PM - Last modified Jan. 1, 2023 3:25 PM