New call for convergence environments within sustainable energy

For the first time, UiO: Energy announces funding for convergence environments within sustainable energy. An information meeting about this will be held – including researcher-speed-dating – on 15 September. Thereafter, the deadline for submitting a mandatory sketch is 30 October, while the final application deadline is expected to be 31 December.

Image may contain: Event, Community, Job, Design, Collaboration.

– We are very pleased to be able to initiate this process of convergence environments, which involves the establishment of large interdisciplinary projects and a significant number of recruitment positions. This is our greatest endeavour so far, after having supported quite a few research groups in recent years – amongst others through the thematic research groups, which were announced for the first time last year, said Vebj?rn Bakken, director of UiO:Energy.

Establishing convergence environments is something UiO:Life Science has carried out several times – with great success.

– Such environments have proven to be very effective in achieving radical interdisciplinarity. We hope for new and surprising collaborative constellations, which then can become platforms for applications to both the Norwegian Research Council and the EU. In other words, a springboard for interdisciplinary energy research, said Bakken.

Published Aug. 31, 2020 10:54 AM - Last modified Jan. 1, 2023 3:25 PM