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Grant call: International mobility and collaboration

UiO:Energy and Environment offers financial support for international mobility and collaboration within the field of sustainable energy, climate and environment.

Image may contain: Smile, Table, Chair, Yellow, Laptop.

Foto: Jarli & Jordan/UiO

UiO:Energy and Environment sees the promotion of increased international mobility as a research-promoting and competence-enhancing initiative. 

UiO: Energy and Environment has defined four main research areas across the university and the funding for the activities for which funding is applied for should be thematically placed under one or more of these. You will find the four main research areas on this webpage.

Open ended application deadline.

Apply here

Who can apply?

Master students, PhD students and researchers at UiO may apply for short term stays abroad in 2024.  Priority will be given to students or young researchers, but full time researchers may also apply for funding for travels of strategic value.

What can you apply funding for?

Students/fellows/researchers at UiO may apply for grants covering research and competence-increasing activities or attendance at relevant conferences abroad, or, courses or short-term visits to international research groups lasting from two to eight weeks. We also support visits from international researchers/students to UiO to foster international collaborations, but the applicant must be employee at UiO. The proposed activity should take place within 12 months of submitting the application. 

Applications for longer visits may be considered, although these cannot expect to be fully financed. For Personal Overseas Research Grants ranging from 3-12 months, we kindly ask that you consider applying for funds at the Research Council of Norway or Erasmus. We encourage all applicants to also apply for Erasmus+ funding if relevant.

Requirements for the application

  • Funding must be applied before traveling abroad. The proposed activity should take place within 12 months of submitting the application.
  • The application must include a confirmation from the institution/conference you wish to visit should be attached, as well as
  • Budget: Short overview of travel and cost expenses, as well as any course fees if applicable
  • The should include an outline of planned activities and a draft of the research- or competence-promoting aspects of the trip/visit.
  • Short description of why proposed activity is relevant for  research or education within sustainable energy, climate and environment
  • When applying for support for travel to courses / conferences, confirmation of approved application or received contribution must be attached.

In addition you must attach a budget for travel and living costs and relevant fees. Living costs are to be calculated using the rates from the Research Council of Norway. The maximum grant per applicant is NOK 50 000. The application must be supported by your supervisor/superior and/or the head of your department or research centre.

Funding decisions and further process

All applications will be evaluated and awarded by the Director of UiO:Energy and Environment. You will use the DF?-app to registrer your travel reimbursement claims. You are not qualified for ‘compensation supplement for trips abroad’ on these ‘stipend’ trips. Additional details on the reimbursement claiming process will be provided within the allocation letter. Priority will be given to students or young researchers engaged in competence-enhancing and career-building endeavors, as well as activities that promote UiO's involvement in Horizon Europe.


Contact Katinka Elisabeth Gr?nli

Published Jan. 4, 2023 3:09 PM - Last modified June 5, 2024 10:24 AM