Presentations include perspectives on experiences, challenges and discussions of the effectiveness of the international regulations. Do they work?
This workshop is organised by the convergence environment AnthroTox as a part of the Oslo Life Science Conference 2020. AnthroTox is an interdisciplinary research project that aims to combine the social and natural sciences to understand global toxicants.
Target audience: Open to all
- 8.30 AM - 9.00 AM: Doors open and coffee is served
- 9.00 AM - 9.15 AM: Workshop begins. Welcome and introduction by Katrine Borg?, University of Oslo, Department of Life Sciences
- 9.15 AM - 9.40 AM: "Norway and the Stockholm Convention - national priorities and experiences" by Christina Tolfsen from the Norwegian Environmental Agency, Section for Biocides and Chemical Regulation
- 9.40 AM - 10.05: Presentation on Zanzibar, Tanzania and the Stockholm Convention - national priorities and experiences" by Aboud Jumbe, Head of Policy, Planning and Research, Department of the Environment, Zanzibar
- 10.05 AM - 10.30: "Global Monitoring Plan, Experiences and Perspectives" by Ramón Guardens, Advisor on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Ministry of Ecological Transition, MITECO, Madrid, Spain
- 10.30 AM - 10.50 AM: Discussion
10.50 AM - 11.20 AM: Break with coffee and baguettes
- 11.20 AM - 11.45 AM: "Hazardous waste management in Norway". Presentation by Mette Follestad from the Norwegian Environmental Agency, Section for Waste and Recycling
- 11.45 AM - 12 NOON: "Anthropological perspectives on international environmental regulations and monitoring - experience from Tanzania" by Franziska Klaas, PhD, University of Oslo, Department of Social Anthropology
- 12.00 PM - 1 PM: Discussion