Mimicry in Metabolism(s): Industrial Chemicals, Synthetic Hormones, and Unruly Bodies.

The workshop will bring together people from different disciplines inside and outside academia in order to enable a dialogue on mimicry as a productive concept to understand and juxtapose industrial chemicals and synthetic hormones.

The event will take place in several locations with varying times. For further details please take a close look at the programme below.

Target audience: the workshop welcomes everyone interested in the intersection of different knowledges on Endocrine Disruptors (EDC) and synthetic hormones as well as interdisciplinarity within and outside academia. The presenters have a background in life science, social science, humanities and art.

Day one will be addressing a broader audience, including a public event in the evening.

The second day will be a research symposium. Reading material will be distributed after registration. In addition, we invite participants on a voluntary basis to pre-circulate a short position paper.

Registration for the workshop is required by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

Programme 13 February 

12– Workshop

Venue: T?yen Hovedg?rd, Botanical Garden, Oslo, Norway

1200 Lunch

1300 Introduction and presentation position papers

1400 Knowing Endocrine Disruptors

  • Cathrine Thomsen, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo
  • Katrine Borg?, Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo
  • Malin Ah-King, Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Gender Studies, Stockholm University
  • Ramon Guardans, Adviser on POPs, Ministry of Ecological Transition, MITECO, Madrid, Spain, Member of WEOG regional group in SC GMP

1530 Walking Seminar to Los?ter

1700 Plenary

1930– Public event: Molecular Queering, lecture and performance,

Venue: Los?ter, Oslo

  • Mary Maggic, Hackteria
  • Katrina Sjoberg, Los?ter
  • Ana Delgado, TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo

Programme 14 February 

0930–1630 Workshop

Venue: T?yen Hovedg?rd, Botanical Garden, Oslo

0930 Historizing Hormones in Norway

  • Eira Bj?rvik, Institute of Health and Society, University of Oslo
  • Susanne Bauer, TIK Centre for Technology, Innovation and Culture, University of Oslo
  • Discussant: Anne Helene Kveim Lie, Institute of Health and Society, University of Oslo

1100 Mimicry in Metabolism(s) I:

  • Andrea Ford, Centre for Biomedicine, Self, and Society, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh Medical School
  • Mariana Rios Sandoval, CERMES3 (Centre de recherche médecine, sciences, santé, santé mentale, société), Université Paris Descartes

1200 Lunch

1300 Mimicry in Metabolism(s)  

  • Franziska Klaas, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo
  • Lenka Veselá, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology
  • Mary Maggic, (she/they pronouns), artist and researcher, Hackteria
  • Wibke Straube, Centre for Gender Studies, Karlstad University

1630 End of workshop


Published Nov. 18, 2019 2:35 PM - Last modified Feb. 9, 2023 2:33 AM