Nordic Organ on a Chip Symposium

The symposium will bring together leading Nordic scientists to discuss the latest developments of Organ on a Chip-technology. The event is hosted by the UiO:Life Science convergence environment: Organ on a chip and the Hybrid Technology Hub Center of Excellence.


Target audience: students, researchers, physicians and industry

07:45 - Registration and coffee


08:30 - Opening: Stefan Krauss, University of Oslo

08:50 - Keynote: Bengt Norden, Chalmers Technical University, Sweden


09:10 Session 1 Chair Anna Herland, Karolinska Institute, Sweden

Thomas Laurell A microfluidic system for monitoring extracellular signaling in a stem cell derived model of the human embryonic neural tube

Anne Herland Karolinska Institute, Sweden In vitro neurovascular models

Susanna Narkilahti, Tampere University, Finland NeuroChip Platform I 

Jukka Lekkala, Tampere University, Finland NeuroChip Platform II

10:30 - Coffee break


10:50 Session 2 Chair Eirik Andrew Johannessen, University of Southeastern Norway

Stig P. Bjergaard, University of Oslo In-vitro drug metabolism monitoring by micro-chip electromembrane extraction coupled with mass spectrometry

Steven Ray Wilson, University of Oslo Organoids, OoC and mass spectrometry

Eirik Andrew Johannessen, University of Southwest, Norway BioMEMS sensors for organ on a chip monitoring

11:50 Coffee break


12:10 Session 3 Chair Gareth Sullivan, University of Oslo

Gareth Sullivan, University of Oslo Enhanced Functional Longevity of hPSC Derived Liver Organoids?

Hanne Scholz, Oslo University Hospital Developing islet organoids. Where do we stand?

Maria Tenje, Uppsala University,  Micro engineering of organ-on-chip systems


13:10 Lunch Break, served in the hallway  


13:40 PhD/Postdoc session - organized by Fr?ydis Skottvoll, Jussi Koivum?ki and Thomas Winkler

Gain insight into the cross-disciplinary possibilites of OoC-technology, share experiences and get to know your future collaborators

- Poster session

- PhD/Postdoc speed dating


15:20 Session 4  Chair Hanne Scholz, Oslo University Hospital

Carl-Fredrik Mandenius, Link?ping University, Sweden Advances in Micro-Bioreactor Design for Organ Cell Studies

Michal Mielnik SINTEF Oslo, Norway Silicon fabrication technology for Organ-on-Chip: opportunities and limitations

Paul Gatenholm, Cellheal AS and Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Sweden 3D Bioprinting with stem cells. Towards autologous tissue and organs


16:20 Coffee break


16:50 Session 5 Chair Cecilia Sahlgren, ?bo Akademi University, Finland

Cecilia Sahlgren A biomimetic microfluidic model to study signalling between endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells under hemodynamic conditions

Valeria Orlova, Leiden University, Netherlands Pluripotent stem cells for vascular differentiation and disease modeling

Niels B. Larsen, The Technical University of Denmark 3D micro-perfused organ models

17:50 Coffee break


18:10 Session 6, Chair Hari Hyttinen, Tampere University

Jari Hyttinen Tampere University, Finland From in-silico modelling to 3D imaging of body Organ on Chip systems

Katriina Aalto-Set?l?, Tampere University, Finland Modeling cardiac diseases - single cells and organ-on-chip-platform

Nikolaj Gadegaard, University of Glasgow, Scotland Democratising organ-on-a-chip

19:10 Session 7, Chair Jenny Emneus Technical University of Denmark 

Minna Kellom?ki, Tampere University, Finland Comparison of cell cultures in 2D vs. 3D hydrogels

Jenny Emneus, Technical University of Denmark 2D and 3D Lab-on-a-Chip systems for life science applications

Philip Dalsbecker, University of Gothenburg, Device bonding and antibody binding: developments for on-chip differentiation of iPSC hepatocytes


20:10 Poster prize and round up


The University of Oslo and the City of Oslo invite all participants of the Oslo Life Science Conference to attend a reception in Oslo City Hall at 17.30 after the main event of the Oslo Life Science Conference 11 February

Published Nov. 19, 2018 4:22 PM - Last modified Feb. 2, 2023 5:04 AM