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Newsletter from UiO:Life Science September 2021

Health related life sciences and innovation:
New call SPARK Norway – deadline 11 November

The annual call for our innovation programme SPARK Norway is out now. A great opportunity for researchers at UiO, OUS or Ahus to develop innovative ideas further into new technology, treatments or services.

Image may contain: Product, Tableware, Font, Table, Community.

Join SPARK Norway Educational Forum Wednesday 15 September - Target Product Profile

UiO:Life Science' innovation programme SPARK Norway organizes monthly open meetings. Sign up and learn how to create and use a Target Product Profile (TPP) to succeed in the market.

Calls from UiO:Life Science

Student projects from the biomakerspace LagLivLabImage may contain: Glasses, Watch, Smile, Vision care, Eyewear.

One of the projects that has received support through UiO:Life Science' open call is LagLivLab. The makerspace is a collaboration between Hybrid Technology Hub at the Faculty of Medicine and the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. During the spring semester, 12 eager bachelor students gained access to the newly opened lab where they used biological material in encounter with science and technology to create something with living organisms and cells. Watch the recording from the event where the students presented their projects (link to YouTube)





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Published Sep. 15, 2021 5:57 AM - Last modified Aug. 31, 2023 8:58 PM