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Newsletter UiO:Life Science November 2019

The Oslo Life Science Conference 10–13 February 2020

Join us for the Oslo Life Science Conference 5-year anniversary in 2020! Four days with events on health research, health industry, environmental research and sustainability for all who are interested in research, education, innovation, business and politics in life sciences. In 2020, we have more events for the public. We will announce speakers in the coming days and weeks. The registration for the events opens in December and January. The conference is free and open to all.

Calls UiO:Life Science

Support from UiO:Life Science's open call

Several applicants have received support from UiO:Science's open call, including core facilities that will position themselves ahead of the upcoming Life Sciences Building; Centre for Bioinformatics; The Lancet One Health Commission led by the Centre for Global Health; and HALOS (Hanseatic League of Science – interconnecting infrastructures for life science research and innovation).

Events with support from UiO:Life Science

News from the convergence environments

UiO:Life Science funds 14 interdisciplinary research groups – convergence environments – that will solve major societal challenges related to health and the environment. They have received PhD and postdoctoral positions as well as running expenses.

Annual gathering

Gruppearbeid konvergensmilj?On 7 November, all the convergence environments were gathered. Exchange of experience related to interdisciplinary collaboration and input into the forthcoming evaluation of the convergence environments arrangement was part of the programme.

Interdisciplinary effort on a burning theme

Samwel NtapantaThe convergence environment AnthroTox brings together forces from the natural and social sciences to identify the damaging effects of electronic waste on the environment and health. Read interview with PhD student Samwel Ntapanta (in Norwegian).

Other news that involves UiO:Life Science 

Get your own health mentor!

Are you an entrepreneur in health? Does your company need help to get to the next level? Together with Norwegian health clusters and incubators, Innovation Norway for the first time offers health mentors – both nationally and internationally. UiO:Life Science is one of the partners. Read more on the Innovation Norway website (in Norwegian).

Scientists want to map the DNA of all species on Earth before it's too late

The purpose of the worldwide Earth Biogenome Project is to preserve ecosystems and biodiversity, as well as to create a sustainable bioeconomy. Norwegian scientists are ready to take responsibility for animals, plants, fish, fungi and birds of special importance to Norway. Researchers from all over the country, including director of UiO:Life Science, Carl Henrik G?rbitz, have written about the project. Read the article in Aftenposten (in Norwegian).

Silver medal to UiO students who make solar cells from bacteria

The students from UiO who participated the international competition in synthetic biology (iGEM) were awarded with a silver medal for their solar cells made of bacteria. Now the students will be the first participants of UiO:Life Science's biomakerspace (in Norwegian).

Life Science Building News

The art will be of internationally, high level

The art project at the new Life Sciences Building at UiO is as large and ambitious as the building itself. Read the interview with the curators on KORO's website (in Norwegian)


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By Norunn K. Torheim
Published Nov. 19, 2019 1:24 PM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2023 2:46 PM