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Newsletter UiO:Life Science September 2017

Start-up grant for the life science building!

6 September was a big day for UiO, knowledge capital Oslo and knowledge nation Norway. Minister of Education and Research Torbj?rn R?e Isaksen visited UiO with promises of a start-up grant of NOK 50 million allocated to the new life science building from the 2018 national budget.


Sign up for our three September events 

Oslo Urban Arena 20 September:
Oslo Life Science City – how do we facilitate new businesses? (in Norwegian)

300The new life science building at the University of Oslo will be Norway's largest research and education building. The building will be an engine for innovation and business development. What does it take to develop the entire Gaustadbekkdalen into a vibrant and attractive urban area for research, education, innovation and business development?
Organizers: UiO:Life Science and the City of Oslo

The National Science Week 27 September:
Breakfast seminar on health data (in Norwegian)

The amount of information stored about us in the health service, and the amount of data that we collect with body sensors and smartphones, is growing. How is privacy secured, and what can happen when society knows too much about us? We are debating on the background of this autumn's 1984 production at Nationaltheatret.

Organizers: UiO:Life Science, UiO:Science and technology and Nationaltheatret. 

The National Science Week and Oslo Innovation Week 28 September:
Debate on algae and sustainable innovation

Algae can be used to make foods, medicines and energy. How can researchers, entrepreneurs, policy makers and investors help bring ideas to the market?

Organizers: UiO:Life Science and the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board.
Check out the exciting events hosted byThe Research Council of Norway and The Norwegian Industrial Property Office at the same venue this day.

Pictures and videos from events last month

Swipe on the arrows on the picture to move to the next image.

Other events

Oslo Innovation Week 26 September:
Cutting Edge Festival

The festival showcases the latest news in science, technology and entrepreneurship. Several life science researchers from UiO on stage.

Organizers: UiO, Inven2 and Oslotech.

Events this autumn with funding from UiO:Life Science

Oslo Life Science 12–15 February 2018 – save the dates!

The conference for all who are interested in research, education, innovation, business and politics in life sciences. This will be the third conference in a row. Title in 2018: Investing in health and environment. 

Organizers: UiO:Life Science, LMI, Oslo University Hospital, NMBU, CEES, the Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board and the City of Oslo.

Other news

Director position UiO:Life Science

In the August newsletter, we included the announcement for the UiO:Life Science director position with the application deadline 1 September. UiO's Rectorate wants to spend more time looking at the whole of UiO's life science initiative, including plans for further development of the new life science building. The University Management has, in consultation with the chairperson of the board of UiO:Life Science, decided to postpone the appointment of new director of UiO:Life Science.

UiO:Life Science competence sponsor of Angel Challenge Health

Norway Health Tech (former Oslo Medtech) is starting a training programme with Angel Challenge for investors who want to get to know the health industry. UiO:Life Science is one of the competence sponsors. 

Apply for funding from UiO:Life Science

Several opportunities for support from UiO:Life Science for academic employees, post docs, PhD students and Master students at UiO. Application deadline 1 December.

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By Norunn K. Torheim
Published Sep. 18, 2017 11:05 AM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2023 2:46 PM