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Newsletter UiO:Life Science April 2017


Several opportunities for support from UiO:Life Science with application deadline 1st of June.


Academic employees, post docs and PhD students at UiO can apply for support to strengthen the collaboration with international research environments.

Trainee positions life science industry

Master and PhD students at UiO can apply for 3–6 months trainee positions in the life science industry.

Conference or other event support

Academic employees and students at UiO can apply for funds for partially financing of open events that are in line with the initiative's strategy. 

Status funding of convergence environments

The expert panel who will evaluate the applications for convergence environments, will meet in Oslo next week. The UiO:Life Science board will make the final decisions. The results will be announced early May.


Life Science Lunch 26th of April:
Innovative life sciences across disciplines

Illustrasjon livsvitskap i lunsjen april 2017Join us in the Science Library to hear part 2 of innovative life science across disciplines. Self-eating, the next generation bone graft material and mathematical and computational modeling is on the menu.

The UiO festival 12th of May:
Academic after-party on memory (in Norwegian)

Events this spring that have received funding from UiO:Life Science

Research and innovation news

Advanced statistics can save us from multidrug resistant bacteria

Researchers have found a new method to develop antibiotics that are tailored to kill multi-resistant bacteria.

Five new centres of excellence to UiO (in Norwegian) 

UiO will host five of the ten new centres of excellence. The centres will perform cutting edge research in life science, cancer research, musicology and sun research.
UiO:Life Science board member Alexander Jensenius is one of the new centre leaders.

Photo award for life science picture

Medical photographer ?ystein H. Horgmo at UiO, was awarded gold for his picture ?Livsvitenskap? (life sciences) in the cathegory ?Humans? i the institutions photographers? competition ?Exposure 2017? i March. Congratulations!

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By Norunn K. Torheim
Published Apr. 19, 2017 9:59 AM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2023 2:46 PM