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Meet SPARK Norway at NLS Days

18 and 19 September Nordic Life Science Days will take place in Malm?, Sweden. From UiO:Life Science, SPARK Norway will be participating with an unprecedented number of innovation projects and alumni.

Grafikk NLS Days.

Nordic Life Science Days (NLS Days) is an annual industry event for the life sciences sector, specializing in facilitating networking and partnering meetings.

Morten Egeberg, the leader of SPARK Norway, sees the value in taking SPARK participants to events like NLS Days to give them the opportunity to expose themselves to the commercial world and to build their own networks and market understanding. 

Eligible SPARK Norway projects are given the opportunity to participate once during their project period. The reason there are many SPARK Norway projects and alumni participating this year is that many find the participation valuable and choose to return in subsequent years with different funding. This year, a total of fifteen SPARK Norway projects and former participants in the programme are participating, keeping in touch and sharing experiences during the conference. All will attend meetings, some will be pitching and others will participate in the poster exhibition.

Joint Nordic event on 18 September

SPARK Finland and SPARK Denmark are also participating with projects from their respective programmes. In total, there will be between 35 to 40 SPARK Nordic projects and alumni present. The Nordic collaboration has become closer in recent years, with the Nordic programmes often participating together at events around the world and gaining greater attention when they participate as a group.

As part of the NLS Days programme on 18 September, the Nordic SPARK programmes are inviting participants to a joint session where they will present the latest and most groundbreaking innovation projects.

Visit NLS Days homepage to see the programme


Published Aug. 29, 2024 2:15 PM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2024 11:14 AM