Great commitment to the Oslofjord

The University of Oslo, organised in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), the event "Is there hope for the Oslofjord" on 29 September. The theme arouses great interest and many people participated in Domus Bibliotheca.

Paneldebatten under arrangementet "Er det h?p for Oslofjorden".

Paneldebatten under arrangementet "Er det h?p for Oslofjorden".

The researchers Stein Kaartvedt and Bente Edvardsen from the University of Oslo, and Yngvild Wasteson and Knut Bj?rn Stokke, NMBU, gave presentations that shed light on the situation and sources of pollution of the Oslofjord.

Knut Rudi and Jonathan Colman from NMBU, Mari Vold Bjordal from the Environmental Movement Bellona and the Minister for Climate and Environment Espen Barth Eide gave presentations that focused on solutions in the Oslofjord. A panel debate followed, where the panel discussed what measures are needed to improve the conditions in the fjord, before a question and answer session. 

The participants expressed both concern and hope. There is without any doubt a strong commitment to the Oslofjord and there is a great will to find solutions that can improve conditions in the sea.
Published Oct. 1, 2022 11:29 AM - Last modified Sep. 20, 2023 5:32 AM