When the six convergence environments were established, both the concept of "convergence" and research projects with integrated interdisciplinary research collaboration were new at UiO. Rector Svein St?len took us back in time and talked about the background for the initiative to the convergence environments in his speech. - Many of the challenges we face can not be answered by one discipline alone. They are complex and intertwined, and require knowledge and insight and different angles to understand and deal with. The strength of convergence lies in the combination of strong academic disciplines with new interdisciplinary approaches. So besides being necessary to deal with very complex issues, it also adds an innovative dimension to the research itself.
The leaders of the convergence environments were present to share their experiences of interdisciplinary collaboration, unexpected challenges and results of interdisciplinary collaboration. All expressed that interdisciplinary research collaboration is demanding. The understanding of interdisciplinarity can also vary, and several of the environments have taken measures to gain a common understanding of the concept. But regardless of the challenges, it was agreed that the interdisciplinary collaboration has been rewarding and has led to exciting publications, in addition to several new projects that have received external funding.
In the panel discussion, moderated by UiO:Life Sciences' chair ?yvind Fylling-Jensen, the leaders were challenged to suggest changes to the initiative on convergence environments. UiO:Life Science will include the input in the further work with established and future convergence environments.
These are UiO:Life Sciences' first generation convergence environments
- Combining natural and social sciences to understand and manage global anthropogenic toxicants (AnthroTox) - Project leaders: Kathrine Borg? and P.Wenzel Geissler
- Comparative immunology of fish and humans (COMPARE) - Project leader Kjetill S. Jakobsen
Epigenetics and bioethics of human embryonic development - Project leader Arne Klungland
Organ on a chip and nano-devices (CHIP) - Project leaderStefan Krauss
Personalised cancer therapies (PERCATHE) - Project leader Arnoldo Frigessi
Programmable Cell-like Compartments - Project leader Irep G?zen
The convergence environments were selected after an application round that started in 2016. UiO:Life Science funded the convergence environments with PhD and postdoctoral positions for a period of four years, from 2017 to 2021. In total, 20 convergence environments have been created with funding from UiO:Life Science.