Now the first research fellow funded by UiO:Life Science has defended his dissertation for the PhD degree. Joona R?s?nen defended his dissertation "Ethics and the epigenetic challenge - a bioethical study across the human lifespan" on Friday 29 October. Joona belongs to the convergence environment Epigenetics and bioethics of human embryonic development which will understand the epigenetic reprogramming of early embryo development and its significance for human reproduction both scientifically and ethically.
- The defence took place at Zoom, but if Joona had been in Oslo, we should have celebrated. This is a big day, first and foremost for Joona, but also for UiO:Life Science because we have reached an important milestone in the education of interdisciplinary researchers, says Carl Henrik G?rbitz, director of UiO:Life Science.
The convergence environment belongs to the first generation of UiO:LIfe Science' convergence environments and was one of six research groups selected in 2017 after the first application round which started in 2016. The convergence environment is headed by Arne Klungland, in addition to researchers from Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, Faculty of Humanities, where Joona was employed during his PhD, different clinics at Oslo University Hospitals and several departments at Faculty of Medicine at the University of Oslo.
New convergence environments will be announced soon
UiO:Life Science is in the final phase of the application round for the third generation convergence environments and will shortly announce new interdisciplinary research groups that will receive funding for four years. Then new PhD and postdoc positions funded by UiO:Life Science will be announced. The job advertisements will be administered by the respective host faculties.
See an overview all UiO:Life Science' convergence environments