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Norway?has got its first SPARKees

The new innovation programme SPARK Norway at UiO has admitted the first research groups – so called SPARKees. They will develop their ideas within health-related life sciences further for the benefit of patients and society. 

SPARK Norway is an innovation programme for researchers who work on health-related topics in the life science domain and want to further develop innovative ideas from their own research.

Researchers from UiO and affiliated research groups at Oslo University Hospital (OUS) and Akershus University Hospital (Ahus) can be included in the programme.

Five groups admitted in the pilot

The SPARK teams that are announced now were selected in the pilot project in October. They were picked from Inven2's portfolio.

Mentoring and more

Researchers who are admitted to the SPARK Norway programme receives mentoring, milestone-based funding, guidance and education. The aim of the programme is to get more innovation out of basic research.

Events from spring 2018

The official kick-off for SPARK Norway will be part the Oslo Life Science Conference in February. Then a larger audience will get to know the SPARKees and learn more about SPARK Norway.

In the spring of 2018 there will be both closed meetings for those involved in the SPARK Norway programme, and open events where anyone who wants to increase their knowledge and understanding of the path from idea to application may attend.

Close collaboration with other life science actors

SPARK Norway is based on the prestigious Stanford SPARK programme, and the other two European sites – SPARK Berlin and SPARK Finland – are closely involved when UiO:Life Science establishes the programme at UiO.

The group that will work with SPARK Norway, is led by UiO:Life Science with Morten Egeberg, administrative leader in charge. Representatives from UiO, Oslo University Hospital, Inven2, and several life science clusters and networks in the Oslo area are members of the group.

By Norunn K. Torheim
Published Dec. 15, 2017 8:50 AM - Last modified Feb. 5, 2023 10:44 PM