2025 - Page 4

Time and place: , Auditorium, Research Building, Radium Hospital

This breakfast seminar organised by the UiO:Life Science project Personalized Cancer Therapy (PerCaThe) will discuss the future development of Cancer Precision Medicine and specifically how the field can move to implementation in clinical trials and next in clinical practice.

Time and place: , Publikumsfoajeen Nationaltheatret

How much will we sacrifice for knowledge? When is it okay, and when is it not ok to use animals in research?

Time and place: , UiO, Helga Engs hus, Sem S?lands vei 7, Oslo

At this seminar PhD students, postdocs and Master?s students in life sciences at UiO and NMBU had the opportunity to create networks outside academia.  Watch videos and see pictures from the event.

Time and place: , Aud. 1, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, Blindern, Oslo

Welcome to the annual Darwin Day lectures at the University of Oslo! Lectures by Peter R. Grant, B. Rosemary Grant, Arkhat Abzhanov and Leif Andersson. Since Darwin’s time insights from the fields of genetics, genomics, behavior and ecology have continued to illuminate how and why species evolve. At this event you will hear about the progress that has been made in our understanding of speciation and related topics. 

Time and place: , Runde auditorium 105, Domus Medica tilbygg

The symposium will bring together leading Nordic scientists to discuss the latest developments of Organ on a Chip-technology. The event is hosted by the UiO:Life Science convergence environment: Organ on a chip and the Hybrid Technology Hub Center of Excellence.

Time and place: , Oslo City Hall, R?dhusplassen 1

Refreshments and mingling in Oslo City Hall for all participants of the conference. The Governing Mayor of Oslo, Raymond Johansen, is our host for the evening. You need a ticket to attend the reception. The reception is fully booked.

Time and place: , The University Aula

We highlighted inspiring examples on collaboration between academia and industry that have benefitted patients and society. How can we learn from these examples while building the health industry in Oslo and Norway?

Time and place: , Botanisk hage

Vi inviterte Oslos befolkning til lysvandring i Botanisk hage p? kvelden 15. februar. P? vandringen fikk de se glimt av livsvitenskap i tillegg til vakre isskulpturer – en flott avslutning p? Oslo Life Science 2018.

Time and place: , Runde auditorium, Domus Medica, Sognsvannsveien 9

The future of medicine is interdisciplinary with contributions from natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. At this seminar, we showcase collaboration across disciplines in research on personalised cancer therapies; organ on a chip and nano-devices; and epigenetics and bioethics of human embryonic development. All topics with international keynote speakers.

Time and place: , NMBU, Adamstuen, Fellesauditoriet, bygg 21, Ullev?lsveien 72

Get updated on the latest research on sustainable food and diet. Topics: Circular economy for more sustainable feed and food production and new sources of nutrients; Sustainable animal and plant-based food; and Gene technology in future food production for our health and the environment.

Time and place: , H?ndverkeren, festsalen, Rosenkrantzgate 7 Oslo

In Norwegian. Hva var de viktigste debattene om bioteknologi i 2017? Hva blir viktig i ?ret som kommer?

Time and place: , Stallen, Professorboligen, UiO

At this seminar PhD-students, postdocs and Master?s students at UiO and NMBU had the opportunity to create networks outside academia. The response for the event was overwhelming and it was fully booked in a short time.

Time and place: , Latter, Oslo Aker brygge

LMI and partners welcome you to join this day where we will present the Norwegian life science ecosystem, discuss the importance of collaboration, look at global success stories and challenge Norwegian decision and policy makers on their ambition and execution.

Time and place: , City hall, R?dhusplassen 1

For all participants of the conference.

Time and place: , The University Aula

The main event of Oslo Life Science 2018 where we showcased our best interdisciplinary research and let international speakers give us new insight in how to increase value creation from basic research. And we got to hear what the government expects from the life science community in the Oslo region. See pictures and watch videos from the event.

Time and place: , Professorboligen, Karl Johans gate 47

As the third country in Europe, Norway has established the innovation programme SPARK based on Stanford SPARK. At this kick-off UiO showcased the first Norwegian SPARK teams – SPARKees. See pictures and watch videos from the event.

Time and place: , Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, Blindern

Welcome to the annual Darwin Day celebration at the university of Oslo. This open event is for everybody interested in science and history. Topic this year: The ecology and evolution of infectious diseases.