Life Science Pitching Competition

UiO:Life Science is the co-organizer of a pitching competition for life science pre-startups and early phase startups in Helsinki  in December. The event is part of at the SLUSH side-event Y Science. A SPARK Norway team is among the finalists!

The winner of the competition was MAKNEE who develops novel non-invasive technology for the detection of joint disorders.

The winner was granted 30,000 euros.

Finalist from Norway!

The application deadline for the competition was 1 October. Eight of the applicants were picked out by a jury to attend the final in Helsinki on 5 December. Jonny ?stensen, Vice president, MD, PhD, Inven2, was a member of the jury.

The project leader of IVF FitTM, Ana Lobato-Pascual, is among the finalists. IVF FitTM is one of the projects in UiO:Life Science's innovation programme SPARK Norway with team members from the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital.

The SPARK Norway team IVF FitTM – Optimising in vitro fertilisation hormone dosage.
Ana Lobato-Pascual, Krister Andersson, Vidar Ulset and Mei Ling Lim. Ana Lobato-Pascual will pitch their project in Helsinki 5 December.

About SLUSH, Y Science and the life science pitching competition

  • SLUSH is an annual startup and tech conference in Helsinki. The dates for 2018 are 4–5 December. In 2017 the conference had 20 000 participants, including 2600 startup companies, 1500 investors and 600 journalists from 130 countries.
  • The side event Y Science was organized for the first time last year with HiLIFE Helsinki Institute of Life Science at the University of Helsinki in lead. The aim is to bring together science and business to inspire new contributions to society and business. This year, the event is one of seven official SLUSH side events.
  • The life science pitching competition is part of Y Science. The competition is a collaboration between several universities and Finnish KASKAS media. Last year there were 1150 applications and 6–800 attendees at the event. UiO:Life Science is the co-organizer of the event for the first time this year.


UiO:Life Science and several Finnish universities
Published Oct. 26, 2018 9:38 AM - Last modified Dec. 10, 2018 6:33 PM