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Apply for life science course development support

Departments/faculties at UiO can apply UiO:Life Science for support to develop interdisciplinary courses within life sciences. There is no deadline, applications can be submitted at any time.

Apply now

Many interesting life science related topics are taught to bachelor students all over UiO every day. It is however not always easy for students to choose courses in fields outside their study program. UiO:Life Science promotes interdiciplinarity in life sciences in many ways, and interdisciplinary collaboration and understanding of other scientific fields should also be available for bachelor students throughout UiO. An interdisciplinary student group is also a resource in the course.

We believe that existing or new courses with life science topics can be adapted to an interdisciplinary student group and made available to bachelor students all over UiO. With this, we hope to encourage students to build more interdisciplinary bachelor degrees and gain a broader field of competence. We believe this strategy is warranted by the future demand for a highly skilled work force being able to handle and solve the increasingly complex and multifaceted challenges facing the modern society.

The purpose of life science course development funding is

  • to stimulate adaptation of existing bachelor courses of rather disciplinary nature into more interdisciplinary courses suitable for mixed students groups including participants from outside the host faculty  
  • to develop new interdisciplinary life science courses at the bachelor level

The supported courses will in a pilot phase be part of a multidisciplinary pool of life science courses that UiO:Life Science will promote.

Costs that can be covered

The support from UiO:Life Science may for example be used to cover working hours needed to prepare course material, develop curriculum, and learning methods. The funding is primarily intended for course development, but may cover running costs for a test period of two years, provided that the host department or faculty declares willingness to cover all expenses in the subsequent years.

Each applicant may receive a maximum of NOK 300,000. The support may be distributed over a period of one to three years.

Requirements for support 

Courses eligible for development support should satisfy the following criteria:

  • It is possible to sign up for students from other study programs outside the host faculty
  • Curriculum and teaching are adapted to students with different backgrounds
  • Should be of broad interest and not be too specialized
  • No other courses are defined as required prior knowledge

When possible, teaching should involve problem-based learning methods with the opportunity for case studies

Submission and evaluation of applications

There is no deadline, applications can be submitted at any time. All applications will be handled in regular UiO:Life Science board meetings, six times a year. Contact to receive information about when you can expect your application to be evaluated.

Visibility of support

The course shall be indicated to be part of the pool of interdisciplinary life science course on relevant web pages with acknowledgement of support from UiO:Life Science where appropriate.

After a pilot phase (2 – 3 years) successful applicants are expected to share their experience at a seminars, as part of a joint workshop or equivalent.


Questions can be sent to

Published Dec. 21, 2023 3:45 PM - Last modified Dec. 21, 2023 3:45 PM