Internationalization support

UiO:Life Science funds activities that strengthen the collaboration with international research environments.

Who can apply?

Academic employees, postdocs and PhD-students at UiO within the life sciences.

Next application deadline

1 December 2024, 1 June 2025.


Each applicant may receive a maximum of NOK 100,000.

Further description

UiO:Life Science, in line with its Strategy 2025-2029, aims to support cooperation with international research environments. The call has three different categories:

Category 1 – workshops

To promote international collaboration, UiO:Life Science will fund closed workshops (i.e. not open events) in Norway for researchers at UiO with plans to establish new or develop existing research projects with international partners.
The support can cover travel and stay for international guests, and venue costs if it is not possible to have the workshop at UiO campus locations.

Category 2 – early career researcher travel grants

Life science research can be methodologically challenging and new methods are developing fast. UiO:Life Science will allocate travel grants to PhD students, postdocs or researchers up to 7 years after obtained PhD-degree to visit international research groups with unique methodological expertise that cannot be found locally.
The support given can cover travel costs and reasonable accommodation. Allowance, sustenance or research expenses will not be covered.
It is required that the aim of the trip is to work in an internationally recognized research group on a (short) targeted research project. Participation in courses or conferences is outside the scope of the call.

Category 3 – guest researcher support

Sometimes, the most efficient way for a whole research group to learn a new method or technology is to invite an expert guest researcher from abroad, with unique methodological expertise, to come to UiO for a short period of time. UiO:Life Science will allocate travel grants for such researchers.
The support given can cover travel costs and reasonable accommodation. Allowance, sustenance or research expenses will not be covered.
UiO aims to reduce carbon emissions from travel by 2030, but at the same time professional activities should not suffer and early-career scholars’ travels should be exempt from restrictions. We do however expect applicants to consider low emission travel options when possible.

Go to application form


Please have the following information ready before you start filling out the application form:

Category 1 – workshops

  • Participants from UiO
  • International participants
  • Description of project idea (maximum 350 words)
  • Total amount applied for from UiO:Life Science (maximum NOK 100,000)
  • Information about other funding sources
  • Attachments:
    • A reasonable and realistic budget must be specified. Cost estimates should be documented by web search results etc.
    • CV of main applicant (UiO) (maximum 2 pages).
    • Information about invited international researchers (LinkedIn, homepage or other, maximum 10 pages in total).

Category 2 – early career travel grants

  • Personal information about applicant (the person travelling)
  • Description of the centre/research group to be visited (maximum 1 page).
  • Total amount applied for from UiO:Life Science (maximum NOK 100,000)
  • Information about other funding sources
  • Attachments:
    • Description of the project with an emphasis on the work that will be carried out and justification for why it is necessary to go abroad, including the promise and potential impact of the new method(s) for future research at UiO (maximum 2 pages).
    • Budget – has to be specified, reasonable and realistic. Cost estimates should be documented by web search results etc.
    • CV of the person who will be traveling (maximum 2 pages).
    • Invitation letter from the centre/research group to be visited (maximum 2 pages), and relevant links about the researchers (LinkedIn, homepage).

Category 3 – guest researcher support

  • Personal information about the guest researcher (the person travelling)
  • Information about the group at UiO that the guest researcher is visiting.
  • Total amount applied for from UiO:Life Science (maximum NOK 100,000)
  • Information about other funding sources
  • Attachments:
    • Description of the project with an emphasis on the new method or technology, including its promise and potential impact for future research at UiO (maximum 2 pages).
    • Description of the UiO centre/research group host (maximum 1 page).
    • Budget – has to be specified, reasonable and realistic. Cost estimates should be documented by web search results etc.
    • CV of the person who will be traveling to UiO (maximum 2 pages), documenting unique methodological expertise.
    • Letter from the suggested guest researcher expressing willingness to come to UiO as detailed in the project description (1 page).

Evaluation of applications

A dedicated committee will evaluate all applications. You will not receive support if:

  • the budget is not specified
  • the activity is an open event (Category 1, if so, see possibilities under Event support)
  • the aim is to participate in a course (Category 2)

If we cannot support all applications:

  • applications in Category 1 will have priority over applications in Category 2 and Category 3
  • applications from PhD students and postdocs will be prioritized.
  • Applicants who have not previously received internationalization support from UiO:Life Science will be given priority

All applicants will receive a response within one month after the deadline.

The funding will be transferred to the successful applicant’s unit when final dates and other details are confirmed, and account information is provided. UiO regulations for use apply. Confer with your local economy adviser if needed.

Visibility of support and follow-up

Successful applicants must submit a report on the funded event to UiO:Life Science within three months after the travel/visit/workshop.

Applicants who wish to communicate about, or publish results from the supported activity should include a statement that they “have received internationalization support from UiO:Life Science”.


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Published Sep. 26, 2024 1:41 PM - Last modified Sep. 30, 2024 12:59 PM