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Call for SPARK Norway projects

UiO:Life Science’s innovation programme SPARK Norway is designed to help academic innovators to advance promising research into value creating solutions. By applying a novel process model including mentoring, education, market exposure and global networks, SPARK Norway helps transforming good ideas into exceptional solutions.

Who can apply?

Any University of Oslo (UiO), Oslo University Hospital (OUS) or Akershus University Hospital (Ahus) affiliate (faculty, hospital, postdoctoral fellow, or graduate student team) is welcome to apply. However, at least one person in the project team must be employed as a researcher at UiO.

Next application deadline

7 November 2024


Category 1- Full SPARKee

The projects can receive up to 500 000 NOK per year for a maximum of two years based on the accomplishment of milestones.

Category 2 - Prospect SPARKee

The projects are evaluated to have high potential, but to be in a too early development phase. These projects will be admitted for one year without financing. If the agreed milestones are achieved during the first year, the projects can proceed to become full SPARKees, Category 1, for up to two years.

Further description

The application process

Timeline application process.

Step 1

Use the application form available below and submit by November 7 2024.

We strongly recommend that you contact SPARK Norway ( before submitting an application, and as early as possible if you have an idea that you think is applicable to the programme. SPARK Norway will set up a meeting with you to clarify your eligibility and other questions you may have about the programme.

Step 2

Selection of finalists by the SPARK management team and invited experts medio December 2024. Finalists get an invitation to pitch projects before to the external SPARK review panel primo January 2025.

Step 3

All projects admitted to SPARK Norway will receive mentorship and guidance. Full SPARKees will also receive milestone-based funding (see Funding above).

All admitted project teams are required to participate in bi-weekly SPARK Norway meetings (Wednesdays 17:00 – 19:00). The meetings alternate between SPARK Norway mentoring sessions where the project teams will present their project status to the SPARK Norway community, and SPARK Norway Educational Forums.

A total of approximately five projects will be included in the programme in this round.

Go to application form

Download template (Word) for project proposal. Fill out the template and upload in the application form above.

Selection criteria

Proposed projects must:

  1. Work on health-related topics (human or animal health) in the life science domain.
  2. Based on the project team, stage of project, and development path, have the potential to advance to one of the following with 2 years of SPARK Norway support:
  • Start and develop an investable company
  • Clinical testing
  • Be an attractive licensing option
  • Be at a stage where further funding from other sources can be obtained

The projects are reviewed and ranked according to the following selection criteria:

  1. Unmet medical need/need in the market
  2. Novelty/uniqueness of the new solution
  3. Strength of proof-of-principles
  4. Market potential and fit
  5. IP strategy
  6. Strength and motivation of the team
  7. Fit with SPARK Norway

Project leaders

The project leader of the application is expected to coordinate the team and participate in all SPARK Norway activities. The project leader does not have to be the most senior member of the team.

For project leaders who are not employed at UiO, a project team member employed at UiO must be named in the application. All funding will be transferred via the UiO department of this project member.

Maturity of ideas

Ideas in all phases, from early to more developed, are eligible, but some preliminary data (proof-of-principle) are required. For ideas that do not have preliminary data, the project leaders are recommended to contact the in-house innovation unit the UiO Growth House.

The UiO Growth House provides low-threshold innovation services including 1:1 guidance, courses and meeting places and can help further advance the project, before applying SPARK Norway.



Published Aug. 30, 2024 7:48 AM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2024 12:12 PM