Circle U: Call for academic chairs for Democracy Hub

University alliance Circle U is seeking academic chairs for their Knowledge Hub on Democracy. Deadline for applications is 20 September.


Circle U is a European university alliance where the University of Oslo is a partner. Circle U operates with three knowledge hubs - Climate, Democracy and Global Health. They are now seeking six academics from UiO to serve as chairs for these hubs.

The main role and mission of the academic chairs are to:

  • Develop and lead challenge based as well as trans- and interdisciplinary teaching, learning and research initiatives
  • Link education and research within and across disciplines
  • Engage students to take an active role in knowledge creation and socially engaged research and innovation
  • Stimulate new models of academic collaboration and partnership, and share them across the alliance
  • Contribute to the realisation of EU-funded projects 
  • Represent and champion Circle U. internally, nationally, and internationally, as well as with external stakeholders

See the full call and apply

Knowledge Hub on Democracy

There are two open positions for chairs in the democracy hub.

In the Knowledge Hub Democracy, appointed chairs are expected to activity contribute to the activities of the Hub and continue and extend the interdisciplinary Circle U. network of teachers and researchers. As work on a joint master program in Public Governance has already started, it is important that this process is continued as part of the Hub. New initiatives are especially welcome at BA and PhD level, including joint study modules and courses at BA level, shorter training programmes, and summer and winter schools. Chairs are in general also expected to explore possibilities for developing joint research proposals, building bridges between the educational offers and research.


Published Aug. 18, 2023 2:05 PM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2023 2:12 PM