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Trial lectures and public defence

If your thesis is approved, you will hold two public trial lectures. Once the trial lectures have been approved, you must defend your doctoral work in a public defence (disputation).

The Regulations for the degree of Doctor Philosophiae (Dr.Philos.) at the University of Oslo contain all overarching rules relating to the thesis, doctoral examination and evaluation, including rules of appeal.

The doctoral examination for the Dr.Philos. degree consists of two trial lectures and a public defence (disputation) of the thesis. The trial lectures and public defence are normally conducted in the language of the doctoral thesis.

Trial lectures

As a candidate for the degree of Dr.Philos., you must hold two trial lectures – one on a topic of your choice, and one on a topic selected for you.

You need to notify the faculty of the title of the trial lecture on your chosen topic one month before the planned public defence. The title of the trial lecture on the topic selected for you is determined by the adjudication committee, and you will be notified of this title 10 days before the lecture is to be held.

It is the adjudication committee that evaluates the trial lectures. When the trial lectures have been held, the adjudication committee will notify the faculty if the candidate has passed or not.

The candidate must pass the trial lectures before the public defence can be held.

Public defence of the thesis (disputation)

Two members of the adjudication committee shall normally be opponents during the public defence.

The public defence is headed by the Dean or another person appointed by the Dean. The chair of the defence starts by giving a brief account of the evaluation of the thesis and trial lectures. You will then explain the purpose and results of the scientific research, prior to the first ordinary opponent opening the discussion. Following this, you will have the opportunity to defend the thesis.

The defence shall be open, which means that others present shall have the opportunity to comment ex auditorio. Those who want to avail themselves of this opportunity must notify the chair of the defence within a set time limit. This time limit will be stipulated at the opening of the defence.

After the public defence, the adjudication committee submits a report to the faculty explaining how it has evaluated the defence of the thesis. The report shall conclude whether the defence has been approved or not approved.

If the defence is not approved, you can defend your thesis one more time. A new public defence can be held no sooner than six months after the first. Where possible, the new defence will be evaluated by the original adjudication committee.

Conferral of doctorate

Conferrals are held four times a year – in March, June, September and December. Read more about doctoral conferrals.

Published July 6, 2015 10:56 AM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2020 12:51 PM