How to apply
Regulations for the degree of Doctor Philosophiae (Dr.Philos.) at the University of Oslo and Guidelines for the evaluation of Norwegian doctoral degrees contain useful information.
Send the application and the completed thesis to the relevant faculty depending on the topic of the thesis. The faculties have different submission routines.
Select your faculty:
The Faculty of Humanities
Where to submit
The application shall be submitted electronically to The thesis shall also be submitted electronically as a PDF file.
What to submit
- The thesis as a PDF file.
- Completed application for presentation for the degree of Dr.Philos.
- Abstract in Norwegian and English (plus the language of the thesis where this is not Norwegian or English).
- Copy of cand.philol., Master’s or equivalent certificate, or documentation of equivalent qualifications.
- Where applicable, a co-author declaration (in English) (odt).
- If relevant, documentation demonstrating that the project has adhered to scientific and ethical standards as well as applicable legislation.
Unless a data protection assessment has been conducted by Sikt or a private entity, applicants must include a detailed account of data protection measures as a separate attachment when submitting their application. For more information about what must be addressed, read this note about processing of personal data in Dr. Philos. Projects. Applications that do not include a comprehensive explanation or other relevant documentation, or where the documentation shows that the project has not adhered to the beforementioned standards and legislation, will be rejected. - Overview of previous scientific work/papers (must be shown on request).
- Norwegian residence permit, if applicable.
- Non-Nordic citizens must in addition document the thesis’ connection to Norway.
You must also send an electronic version (Word format) of the abstract to the Research Consultant at the department.
The Faculty of Law
Where to submit
The thesis shall be sent to the Faculty’s Administration Section at Oda Lyngstad, Ground floor, Domus Academica Karl Johans gate 47, 0162 Oslo, or to the Faculty’s Administration Section, Faculty of Law, PO Box 6706, St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo.
The thesis must also be submitted electronically as a PDF file and sent to, addressed to Oda Lyngstad.
What to submit
Dr.Philos. candidates should submit one bound copy of the thesis and an electronic version, together with an application for presentation at the Dr.Philos. degree. If the faculty grants the application, a further 4 bound copies of the thesis shall be submitted. Other documents do not need to be submitted again.
The letter of application shall contain the following information:
- Statement stipulating whether the doctoral work is being submitted for evaluation for the first or second time.
- Statement stipulating that the doctoral work has not been submitted for evaluation at a different institution.
The following shall be included with the application:
- Copy of the Master’s degree or equivalent.
- Documentation that the necessary permits have been obtained in relation to research ethics guidelines, where relevant.
- Overview of previous scientific work (must be shown on request).
- Norwegian residence permit, where applicable.
- Non-Nordic citizens must in addition document the thesis’ connection to Norway.
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Where to submit
The application shall be sent to the relevant department depending on the topic of the thesis.
What to include
- One copy of the completed thesis.
- Documentation of previous education.
- Documentation of any equivalent qualifications.
- Overview of previous scientific work (must be shown on request).
- Norwegian residence permit, where applicable.
- Non-Nordic citizens must in addition document the thesis’ connection to Norway.
The Faculty of Medicine
Read about dr.philos at the Faculty of Medicine
The Faculty of Dentistry
The application for evaluation of your thesis shall be sent to the Faculty of Dentistry as a PDF file at:
The application shall contain the following, in separate PDF files:
- Own application for evaluation.
- The thesis.
- Declaration of permissions obtained, with a copy of each.
- Co-author declaration.
- Self-declaration of first-time submission.
- Documentation of previous education.
- Documentation of any equivalent qualifications.
- Norwegian residence permit, where applicable.
- Non-Nordic citizens must in addition document the thesis’ connection to Norway.
The Faculty of Social Sciences
How to submit
Thesis is to be submitted digitally to the relevant department depending on the topic of the thesis. Please contact the department to receive the link in order to apply for evaluation of the dr. philos thesis.
Content of the application
- contact details: name, address, telephone/e-mail address,
- information on where and when the work was carried out,
- overview of any individual works/articles: where and when they were published, the status of the articles (published, accepted for publication, plan to submit etc.), which principles are used to decide the order of any co-authors,
- completed form for co-authorship for work written with others (in English), and
- declaration of whether the doctoral work is being submitted for evaluation for the first or second time, and that the thesis has not been submitted for evaluation at a different institution.
- Declaration of procured permits: All applications as well as permits regarding approvals must be enclosed. The declaration form must be completed and signed (pdf) by the candidate and all his/her supervisors. See information about applications to REC and other bodies.
- confirmed copy of examination certificate.
please state whether you are or ever have been admitted to an organized doctoral programme
if you are not a Norwegian citizen, please state your attachment to Norway
The application may also contain other information, for example, a few words about the relationship to the Master’s thesis if the thesis is a continuation of this. You should not make suggestions for the adjudication committee.
If you have submitted joint work with other writers, you should include a declaration from the co-authors of who has contributed what in the work.
The Faculty of Theology
Where to submit
The thesis shall be submitted to the Research Adviser’s office, Ground floor, Domus Theologica, Blindernveien 9, or sent to the Faculty of Theology, PO Box 1023 Blindern, 0315 Oslo.
What to submit
- Dr.Philos. candidates shall submit one copy of the thesis with the application to present themselves for the Dr.Philos. degree. If the faculty grants the application, a further three copies of the thesis shall be sent. Other documents do not need to be re-submitted.
- The thesis shall also be submitted as a PDF file with the application to present for the degree. The file shall be sent to
- Letter of application to present for the Dr.Philos. degree, which also contains confirmation that the thesis has not been submitted for evaluation at a different institution.
- Copy of cand.theol., Master’s or equivalent certificate.
- Documentation that the necessary permissions have been obtained in accordance with research ethics guidelines, where relevant.
- Co-author declaration, where relevant.
The Faculty of Educational Sciences
Submitting the thesis
When submitting a thesis with an application for evaluation of the doctoral degree, it is important that the candidate ensures the following:
Application to present for the Dr.Philos. degree addressed and delivered to the Faculty at the following address:
The Faculty of Educational Sciences, PO Box 1161 Blindern, 0317 Oslo
The application shall also contain:
- Name, address, telephone (for contact purposes)
- Title of thesis and information on whether the thesis is a monograph or is article based
- Overview of any individual works; where and when they were published
- Co-author declarations, where relevant
- Authorized copy of examination certificate
- A brief summary of the thesis in English/Norwegian (electronic and paper version). Details should be given of the following using a maximum of 25 lines (in Times 12 font):
a. the subject area of the thesis
b. the questions/hypotheses examined
c. which method(s) and data are used
d. important conclusions and findings that are central to the research outcome
e. can the findings be exemplified with a utility value?
f. where the work was carried out
The application must also contain other information, such as if the work has been submitted for evaluation before, a few words about what the work is about and the relationship to the Master’s thesis if the thesis is a continuation of this. Candidates should not make suggestions for the adjudication committee. The thesis must be attached with the electronic version of the application.
Five copies of the thesis shall be sent with the application. If the candidate has submitted joint work with other authors, a declaration from the co-authors shall be included stating who has contributed what in the works. If two candidates deliver joint work, a declaration of which parts of the thesis each candidate is responsible for shall be given.
What happens after the application is submitted?
The faculty decides whether you can present yourself for the Dr.Philos. examination based on the application and the enclosed documentation. The faculty may require you to undertake specific courses and/or pass a special test before permission is granted for your doctoral work to be evaluated.
If your application is approved, an adjudication committee will be appointed, and you will receive information about the further process.
You cannot withdraw a thesis that has been submitted for evaluation, nor make changes to the thesis after submission. If the thesis is approved for public defence, further copies must be printed. You will then have the opportunity to correct typographic errors etc.