Snorre Christiansen: "Presenting the foundations of mathematics"

Snorre Christiansen is professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo.

Presenting the foundations of mathematics

I will talk about issues related to teaching the foundations of mathematics. There is a consensus today that classical logic and set theory as they were developed around 1930 are a convenient common foundation for almost all of contemporary mathematics. Yet many professional mathematicians are indifferent to the details. Sometimes it is claimed that spelling them out would be both impossible and irrelevant. In this situation how should the very basic maths be taught? What are the means and goals? What is the place for love of wisdom in this context? This talk will reflect on some of this mathematics in a historical perspective. It is inspired by my work connected with teaching "MAT1140 Strukturer og argumenter" and writing the corresponding textbook "Matematisk fundament (Universitetsforlaget 2023)".

Published Feb. 14, 2024 2:57 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2024 1:07 PM