The Science Studies Colloquium Series
The Science Studies Colloquium Series is committed to dissemination of all kinds of "research on research", including science policy, disciplinary and professional ethics, methodology, epistemology, history of science, philosophy of science, and sociology of science.
The focus of our activity is the open seminar on Wednesdays, 02:15 PM - 03:30 PM. (Times and venues subject to change.)

Upcoming events
Mathias Grote (University of Greifswald) will give a talk for the Science Studies Colloquium Series.
Paul Edwards (Stanford University) will give a talk for the Science Studies Colloquium Series.
Sara Green (University of Copenhagen) will give a talk for the Science Studies Colloquium Series.
Scholarships and announcements
The Science Studies Colloquium wishes to stimulate activities within science studies, broadly understood. Therefore, we announce funds for activities such as: hosting conferences, workshops, debates related to science studies, and journeys to conferences related to science studies etc. In addition, we can grant individual scholarships to master students, PhD students, and scientists with affiliation to the University of Oslo, who are writing their thesis, article, or project application within the field of science studies. Scholarship recipients will have access to the forum's network and expertise.
Postal address
TIK Centre for technology, innovation and culture / The Science Studies Colloquium Series
P.o. box 1108 Blindern
0317 Oslo
You may also send an e-mail to the secretary of the board.