Previous events - Page 21
Department seminar. Tore Ellingsen is Professor of Economics at Stockholm School of Economics. He will present the paper: "A Model of Social Duties".
Taiwan as the cradle of Austronesian expansion is a widely accepted hypothesis. This lecture discusses the significance of Taiwan as an island.
In this lecture, Matthew Fuller (Goldsmiths University) will discuss "investigative aesthetics", or the role of sensing and sense-making in investigative practices in art, journalism and law.
The Emergence of the Modern United States, 1896-1929
Department seminar. Andreas Gerster is a Acting Professor of Economics at University of Mannheim. He will present the paper: “Energy Tax Exemptions and Industrial Production”.
The whale is held to have great symbolic meaning, as an environmental emblem, as food, as tourist attraction, and more. In Andenes, Vester?len, two anthropologists, Britt Kramvig and Sadie Hale talk about their search for different kinds of whales and the particular ways that the whale-as-symbol is contested in this place.
Jon R?yne Kyllingstad (f.1966) er historiker og har jobbet med vitenskapshistorie og akademiske institusjoners historie i perioden ca. 1870-2000. Han har i mange ?r v?rt opptatt av ideer om rase, etnisitet, kultur og nasjon innen fag som antropologi, genetikk, arkeologi, historie. Siden 2017 har han arbeidet ved Kulturhistorisk museums avdeling Museum for universitets- og vitenskapshistorie, og har tidligere v?rt f?rstekonservator ved Norsk Teknisk Museum der han sammen med Ageliki Lefkaditou sto bak utstillingen FOLK – fra rasetyper til DNA-sekvenser.
Hege Randi T?rressen will visit the Centre for Ibsen Studies to talk about her profession as a dramaturg at the National Theatre. This industry talk will be informative and provide a unique perspective about the National Theatre. There will be a Q&A session afterwards. Light refreshments will be served.
Prof. Julian Caskel, from Folkwang University of the Arts, will speak at RITMO's Seminar Series.
Visa A. J. Kurki (University of Helsinki) will present his article 'Can nature hold rights?: It's not as easy as you think'
Reading Armenian History as a Socially Symbolic Act
Nicholas S.M. Matheou (University of Edinburgh)
Juan Christian Pellicer (University of Oslo)
This lecture will address Taiwan’s relations with mainland China and Taiwan’s domestic developments since 1949.
What’s in a ‘verb’? Is there some lexical content which marks a word as a ‘verb’ or ‘noun’, or even a single level of analysis at which we could define them? Evidence from multiple fields of linguistics suggests not.
A guest lecture by Juan Cruz Forgnone (University of Buenos Aires)
Women in Music Technology Seminar with Mari Lesteberg and Ane Bjerkan.
Philosophical Seminar with Jens Timmermann (St Andrews)
Einar Duenger B?hn (b. 1977) is Professor of philosophy at the University of Agder. Main research areas: metaphysics, the philosophy of technology, aesthetics, the philosophy of religion, and ethics. B?hn has published many international articles and several books, e.g. “God and Abstract objects” (Cambridge University Press, 2019) and “Teknologiens Filosofi” (Cappelen Damm, 2022). Bohn is also an active voice on behalf of philosophy outside of academia, with many radio appearances and philosophy podcasts on his conscience. Other than that, he seems to experience some meaning from driving his motorcycle, drawing with charcoal, and hanging out with his cat and his kids.
Eirik Frisvold Hanssen (National Library of Norway) will present the anthology Silent Ibsen and introduce a screening of Theodore Marston's silent film adaptation of A Doll's House (1911).
The 2008 Taiwanese film Cape No. 7 海角七號, directed by Wei Te-sheng, will be shown on Tuesday 14 Feb from 12.00 (NOT 12.15!) in seminar room 2, P. A. Munchs hus. This is one of the films Ming-yeh T. Rawnsley will discuss in her lecture on 21 March.
Department seminar. Inga Deimen is an assistant professor at the University of Arizona. She will present the paper: "Strategic information transmission in the employment relationship" (written with Andreas Blume).
In this lecture, art historian Mechtild Widrich (Chicago) will review recent debates about contemporary monuments in light of overwhelming experiences of a world in crisis.
Guest lecture. Dr. Andreas Ravndal Kost?l will hold a guest lecture with the title "Workforce Analytics: Understanding Labor Demand".
The digital guest lecture is open to the public, and staff and students are welcome to attend.
Women in Music Technology Seminar with Kristin Norderval.
Guest lecture. Dr. Adrien Vigier will hold a guest lecture about "Moral hazard".
The guest lecture is open to the public, and staff and students are welcome to attend.