Conferences - Page 5
The Department of Economics and BI (Norwegian Business School), are organizing a workshop on trade, growth and firm dynamics. The workshop is funded by the department's research project GLOBALPROD.
It is 50 years since the first scientific articles about the lack of LCAT was published. The symposium will discuss the importance of what lecitihin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) means for the transport of cholesterol in the organism, and it will take place at the hospital where the hereditary disease LCAT deficiency was first discovered.
The meeting is open to all interested, but registration is needed
Guri Rosén organises a workshop that aims to analyse how the processes of parliamentarisation and politicization affect the EU's external relations.
On 24-25 November John Erik Fossum and Jozef Bátora hosted the workshop 'The EU and its crises: From resilient ambiguity to ambiguous resilience - or beyond?' at ARENA.
Andrew Collins has been a staff scientist at the Department of Nutrition since 2002 and is a leading international expert on nutrition and DNA damage.
In honour of Professor Collins’ 70th birthday, we invite you to an international symposium with a wide range of topics that touch on Prof. Collin's areas of scientific interest.
John Erik Fossum and Jozef Bátora organise a workshop on differentiation and democratic governance in the EU on 31 March 2016.
Together with the Centre for European Research (CERGU) at the University of Gothenburg, Guri Rosén at ARENA co-organises an interdisciplinary conference on the TTIP in Gothenburg on 14-15 March 2016. EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstr?m will hold a keynote address.
Asimina Michailidou and Mauro Barisione organise a workshop on social media and European politics in Oslo on 10-11 March 2016.
ARENA is among the organisers of the international conference 'Security and Governance in the Globalised Arctic: Nordic and International Perspectives' in Aarhus 12-13 November.
Open to all researchers, clinicians, industry representatives, patient groups and others with an interest in stem cell biology, research and applications.
As part of the 5th International Conference on Democracy as Idea and Practice, John Erik Fossum will organise a workshop with Andreas F?llesdal on crisis, innovation/experimentation and the governance of European integration.
The contributors to a forthoming book Europe's prolonged crisis: The making or the unmaking of a political Union, edited by Virginie Guiraudon, Carlo Ruzza and Hans-J?rg Trenz, will gather at ARENA in workshop to discuss draft chapters.
ARENA organises a workshop gathering contributors to a forthcoming special issue of Journal of European Public Policy to discuss different visions of Differentiated Integration (DI). The aim is to contribute towards a clear, complete and concise definition of the notion.
The European Union has entered the fifth year of a profound existential crisis. What started as an American financial crisis has come to question the very existence of the European Union, and indeed, has revived secessionist tendencies in several of its Member States (in particular Spain and the United Kingdom). Why is this? What is the present status of crisis? The multiple crises facing the European Union speak to the need for radically rethinking the European Union and the way in which decision-makers, intellectuals, scholars, and the public approach it.
CEMES and EURECO - in cooperation with ARENA - holds a symposium on cosmopolitanism in light of the current challenges to European democracy. It invites leading North American scholars to enter a debate with their European colleagues on the future prospects of cosmopolitanism in Europe and the world.