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Previous events - Page 117

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Helga Engs hus Blindern

Master Yngve Refseth defends his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Green machines for growth of knowledge. Implementation of One Laptop Per Child in a School in Ethiopia.


Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Undervisningsrom 1

Helene Landemore, Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at Yale University (USA), is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. The lecture is open for everyone.

Time and place: , Johan P. Olsen Room

Hélène Landemore presented the paper 'Democratic Deliberation and Legitimacy in Crowdsourced Legislative Processes: The Case of the Law on Off-Road Traffic in Finland' at the Tuesday Seminar on 18 November 2014.

Time and place: , Auditorium 3, Helga Engs hus Blindern

Cand.philol. Wenke Mork Rogne defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Tracing meaning: How Young Readers work With multiple, partly contradictory texts. An empirical mixed Methods study of 7th graders' strategic activities.


Time and place: , Gamle Festsal, 1. etg DA

Cand. jur Anine Kierulf will defend her thesis: Taking Judicial Rewiew Seriously  - The case of Norway

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Undervisningsrom 1

Aleida Assmann, professor of English, Egyptology, Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Konstanz (Germany), is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. The lecture is open for everyone.

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus Blindern

Master Rose Ephraim Matete defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Decentralisation in Tanzanian Education and Teacher Accountability. The Case of Primary School Management in Kinondoni Municipality and Mbeya City.



Time and place: , Auditorium 3, Helga Engs hus Blindern

Master Elin Borg defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Beyond a dual understanding og gender differences in school achievement: A study of the gender gap among youth in Oslo secondary schools.



Time and place: , Johan P. Olsen Room

On Tuesday 14 October 2014, Nina M. Vestlund presented the paper 'The Quest for Order: Unravelling the relationship between the European Commission and European Union agencies'.

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus Blindern

Master Jannicke Karlsen defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Language and reading language minority children in kindergarten and school. Factors supporting language and reading in the second language of Urdu/ Punjabi speaking children: A longitudinal study from kindergarten to 2nd grade.


Time and place: , Auditorium, Research building, Montebello

The Cancer Genome Atlas Pan-Cancer Analysis.

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Cand.scient. Anne Bergliot ?yehaug defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Young explorers learn science. A longitudinal study of the competency of children (age 10-13) in a scientific inquiry context. 


Time and place: , Gamle festsal, 1. etg Urbygningen

Malcolm Langford will defend his thesis: Social Rights Adjudication: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Master Debora Carrai defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Foreign languages of motivation and other relevant factors involved in subject choice and (subject) satisfaction.


Time and place: , Seminarrom 360, P.A. Munchs hus, Blindern

The Science Studies Colloquium Series (Forum for vitenskapsteori) invites you to an international seminar about Plagiarism, Research Ethics and Copyrights. The seminar is open for everyone.

Time and place: , Johan P. Olsen Room

On 23 September 2014, Professor David Mayes from the University of Auckland and visiting researcher at ARENA presented the paper 'Banking Union in Europe. Will it work? What will it cost?'.

Time and place: , Johan P. Olsen Room

At the ARENA Tuesday Seminar on 16 September, Professor Dorte Sindbjerg Martinsen from the University of Copenhagen presented the paper 'Judicial influence on policy outputs? The political constraints of legal integration in the European Union'.

Time and place: , Lecture hall 1, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Ph.D defends his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Dr.Philos.:

A study of Einar H?ig?rd and the fight against the Naxification of the Norwegian educational system 1940-1945.


Time and place: , Blindern

Cand. philol. Eli Bj?rhusdal defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Between linguistic neutrality and linguistic security: Language regimes in Norway 1885–2005.


Time and place: , Aud. 1, Eilert Sundt House, Blindern Campus

Anne Brasseur, President of the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly, will visit Blindern campus on 10 September. She will discuss the challenges to human rights and democracy in Europe with students and others.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Undervisningsrom 1

Nancy Cartwright, Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, University of Durham and at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. The lecture is open for everyone.

Time and place: , Gamle Festsal, 1. etg DA

Cand. jur Hedvig Bugge Reiersen will defend her thesis: The concept of dividend according to Norwegian company legislation for the degree of P.hd.

Time and place: , Johan P. Olsen Room

The first Tuesday Seminar of the Autumn term took place on 19 August. Visiting researcher and Assistant Professor at the Goethe-University, Charlotte Dany, presented her paper entitled 'Politicization of humanitarian aid in the European Union'.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 2, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

MasterRuth Jensen defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Leadership Development as boundary work. Inspired moments and longitudinal efforts.



Time and place: , Gamle Festsal, 1. etg DA

Cand. jur Tore Fj?rfoft will defend his thesis: Financial Rights of Members of Cooperatives