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Previous events - Page 116

Time and place: , Auditoriet, Folkehelseinstituttet, Lovisenberggaten 8, Oslo

Genetic and environmental pathways to substance use and misuse.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus - undervisningsrom 2

Professor Geoffrey Bowker, UCI-Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences, is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. The Seminar is open for everyone.



Time and place: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus

ESOP seminar. Adrien Auclert is Assistant Professor at Stanford University. He will present a paper entitled "Inequality and Aggregate Demand", written jointly with Matthew Rognlie.

Time and place: , Aud. 1, Helga Eng's hus, Blindern, Oslo

Open for all! Speakers: Corina E. Tarnita from Princeton University and Jan M. Nordbotten from Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen. This event is part of the University’s annual celebration.

Time and place: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus

ESOP seminar. Sonja Fagern?s is Lecturer in Economics at Sussex University. She will present a paper entitled "Teachers, Electoral Cycles and Learning in India", written jointly with Panu Pelkonen.

Time and place: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus

ESOP seminar. Panu Pelkonen is Lecturer in Economics at the University of Sussex.

Time and place: , Green auditorium, Rikshospitalet

Welcome to the opening of K.G. Jebsen Coeliac Disease Research Centre. The seminar is open to the public.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus - Undervisningsrom 3

Will Wimsatt, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Chicago, is visiting the Science Studies Colloquium Series. The Seminar is open for everyone. His work centers on the philosophy of the inexact sciences-biology, psychology, and the social sciences-the history of biology, and the study of complex systems.

Time and place: , Room ES1047, Eilert Sundts Hus, Blindern

The Raquel Fernández Workshop is an annual event arranged by ESOP. Raquel Fernández is Professor of Economics at NYU and Adjunct Professor at ESOP.

Time and place: , Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen

The main focus of the workshop is on how behavioral models, in particular reference dependent preferences, can shed light on economic behavior and the role of public policy.

Time and place: , Kjerka, 2nd floor. Domus Media

Master of Laws Olga Mironenko Enerstvedt will be defending the thesis Aviation security and protection of individuals: Technologies and legal principles for the degree of Ph.D.

The disputation will be held in English

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Candidate Lisbet Skregelid defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Scenes of dissensus. A study of secondary school students' encounters with contemporary art in a school and art museum context.

Time and place: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus

ESOP seminar. Jonas Hjort is Assistant Professor at Columbia University. He will present a paper entitled "Sources of Variation in State Effectiveness and Consequences for Policy Design".

Time and place: , The large auditorium (store auditorium), Rikshospitalet

The seminar has been cancelled due to personal circumstances. 

Time and place: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus

Department seminar. Yuliy Sannikov is Professor of Economics at Princeton University. He will present a paper entitled "Optimal asset management contracts with hidden savings", written jointly with Sebastian Di Tella.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, University of Oslo

Centre for the study of equality, social organization, and performance (ESOP) at the University of Oslo is organizing the 2016 Nordic Conference in Development Economics (NCDE16) to be held 13-14 June 2016.

Time and place: , Johan P. Olsen Room

On Tuesday 7 June ARENA's guest researcher Maximilian Conrad will assess the role and potential of the European Citizen's Initiative in the context of his newly published book Bridging the Gap?

Time and place: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus, Blindern

ESOP seminar. Robert Schmidt is a Post-doctoral fellow at Humboldt- Universit?t zu Berlin. He will present a paper entitled "Full vs. limited commitment in electoral competition"

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 3, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Master Jens Jungblut defends his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Party Politics in Higher Education Policy - Partisan Preferences, Coalition Positions and Higher Education Policy in Western Europe.

Time and place: , Domus Theologica, Blindernveien 9, Auditorium U40

Samuel Etikpah will defend his doctoral dissertation: "The Kundum And Mother River Festivals: Exploring Ritual, Interreligious Collaboration And Community Development In Jomoro, Ghana"  for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) at the Faculty of Theology.

Time and place: , UiO, Helga Engs hus, auditorium 2

Fredrik Lanner, assistant professor, Karolinska Institutet, will present the work leading up to the recent publication on gene expression in early human embryos, and present his plans to use CRISPR technology to edit genes in early human embryos, as one of the first researchers in the world.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 2, Helga Engs building, Blindern

Master Ellen Brinchmann defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

The role of word knowledge in the development of reading comprehension.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus: Undervisningsrom 1

Torbj?rn Gundersen, stipendiat ved Senter for profesjonsstudier ved HiOA, kommer til Forum for vitenskapsteori. Han leverer i 2017 avhandlingen "Epistemiske og sosiale verdier i styring av vitenskap: En case-studie av norske klimaforskeres profesjonelle forst?else av forholdet mellom vitenskap og politikk". Seminaret er ?pent for alle. 

Time and place: , Room ES 1047, Eilert Sundts hus

ESOP seminar. Jonas Poulsen is a lecturer/advisor at Harvard University. He will present a paper entitled "The arrival of fast Internet and skilled job creation in Africa", written jointly with Jonas Hjort. 

Time and place: , Room room 2180/83, Domus Medica

Andrew Collins has been a staff scientist at the Department of Nutrition since 2002 and is a leading international expert on nutrition and DNA damage.

In honour of Professor Collins’ 70th birthday, we invite you to an international symposium with a wide range of topics that touch on Prof. Collin's areas of scientific interest.