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Newsletter September 2024

The UiO Growth House – UiO’s innovation unit for life sciences, health, and technology

Sign up for the innovation conference Science Impact 25 September

Click on the arrows to scroll through the image carousel and see all the great speakers at each session.

Place: Oslo Science Park
Time: 08.00–17.00

The innovation conference Science Impact 2024 – tomorrow's solutions start today 25 September is a meeting place for academia, the institute sector, the public sector, start-ups and industry.? The topic this year is artificial intelligence in life sciences and energy.

At this conference we focus on initiatives in academia and industry and the need for collaboration and framework conditions needed to put research to use for the benefit of patients and society.

See the sessions and lineup of great speakers and sign up!


08:00–08:30: Registration and breakfast
08:30–10:00: Impact Breakfast: The world of AI across life sciences and energy
10:00–10:30: Networking
10:30–12:00: Parallel sessions on AI in life sciences and energy & digitalisation

  • AI for better solutions for mental health
  • Energy systems and digitalisation – value chain from research to commercialisation

12:00–13:00: Networking and lunch
13:00–14:30: Parallel sessions on AI in life sciences and energy & digitalisation

  • AI in diagnostics and treatment – from molecules to images
  • Energy and resource requirements for digitalization

14:30–15:00: Networking
15:00–16:30: Impact afternoon: Sustainability aspects of the use of AI across life sciences and energy
16:30–17:00 Networking

Main organiser: UiO Growth House?
Internal partners: UiO:Energy and Environment, dScience , Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Faculty of Social Sciences?
External partners: Inven2, SINTEF, Oslo University Hospital, City of Oslo, LMI, Oslo Cancer Cluster, Oslo Cancer Cluster Incubator, The Life Science Cluster, Oslo Science City ?and Oslo Science Park?.

The conference is a part of Oslo Innovation Week.

Innovation hangouts for academia and industry

With this meeting place we want to inspire, give self-confidence and knowledge about innovation processes and facilitate collaboration that puts more research to use for the benefit of patients and society.

Innovation hangout 10 October

Place: Oslo Science Park
Time: 17–20

  • Inspirational talk: Erik Fosse, MD, PhD, CEO, Norwac; Professor emeritus, University of Oslo; former head of the Intervention Centre, Oslo University Hospital
  • Role model talk: Egidijus Pelanis, MD, PhD, the Intervention Centre, Oslo University Hospital
  • Pitches from companies
  • Matchmaking
  • Food and beverages, and mingling

Co-organisers: The open innovation arena Health2B in Oslo Science Park and The Intervention Centre at Oslo University Hospital.

See the programme and sign up

Innovation hangout 5 December

Place: Oslo Science Park
Time: 17–20

Inspirational talk by Jonas Hallén, Calluna Pharma, role model talk by Simone Mester, Authera and matchmaking with companies.

Co-organiser: The Life Science Cluster

Registration form opens on the event webpage in October. Save the date!

Student innovation

screenshot Medwatch article

The student innovation initiatives of the UiO Growth House and especially the internship programme where students get summer jobs in companies is featured in MedWatch, which has interviewed innovation advisor Nicolay Bérard-Andersen.

The internship programme is run by The Student Association for Medical Innovation (SMI) and The Student Association for Pharmaceutical Innovation (SFI). Students from the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Educational Sciences can attend the programme. The planning for 2025 is underway, and information will be available on the programme's webpage in due course,

Apply to bootcamp and innovation programme

Aleap bootcamp

The UiO Growth House and the technology transfer office of the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, Inven2, are partners at the health incubator Aleap's bootcamp for innovation projects and start-up companies. Here you learn about the path from idea to market with topics within value proposition development, regulatory process and intellectual property strategy, fundraising, organizational governance and pitching. 

UiO:Life Science's innovation programme SPARK Norway

Do you have an idea in life sciences that can solve challenges related to human or animal health? Apply for admission to UiO:Life Science's innovation programme SPARK Norway to further develop your idea into new technology, treatment, or solution.

Note that Ideas in all phases, from early to more developed, are eligible, but some preliminary data (proof-of-principle) are required. For ideas that do not have preliminary data, UiO:Life Science recommends that project leaders contact the UiO Growth House. We provide low-threshold innovation services including 1:1 guidance, courses and meeting places and can help further advance the project, before applying SPARK Norway.

Two people talking

Contact us if you have an early-phase innovation idea!

We offer tailored guidance and support, including seed funding up to NOK 200,000. Contact us if you want to discuss how to proceed with your early-phase innovation idea.

Follow us on LinkedIn

Published 4 September 2024