Svein St?len

Image of Svein  St?len
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Visiting address Lucy Smith's Building 9th floor Problemveien 7
Postal address P.O. Box 1072 Blindern 0316 OSLO

Svein St?len is Rector of the University of Oslo for the period 2017-2025.

He is a professor of chemistry, with research interest in inorganic materials, and especially relationships between structure and functional properties.

St?len is engaged internationally and acted until recently as president of the European University Alliance, Circle U. and as chair of the board of The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities. He chairs the board of Norway's first innovation district, Oslo Science City, and the Anders Jahres Foundation for the Promotion of Science. Recently, St?len has taken initative to create a global university consortium in respons to the urgent need for improved higher education programs for refugees and internally displaced people.
Prof. St?len has been vice dean for research at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (2013-2016) and head of the Department of Chemistry (2009-2012). He headed the Center for Materials Science and Nanotechnology, and was the first chairman of the board, both for UiO: Life Sciences and for Digital Life Norway. He has been a member of the board of the Department of Energy Technology (2012-2017), the Research Council's division board for science (2015-2017) and Oslo University Hospital (2017-2023).

He is member of the Royal Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters and the Norwegian Academy of Engineering Sciences.

He previously blogged on "Svein's blog", while now blogging with the rest of the team at Rector's Blog.


Tags: life science, materials and energy, Innovation, Nanotechnology


  • Pishahang, Mehdi; Mohn, Chris Erik & St?len, Svein (2016). Density functional study on redox energetics of LaMO3-δ(M=Sc-Cu) perovskite-type oxides. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. ISSN 0022-4596. 233, p. 62–66. doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2015.10.013.
  • Pishahang, Mehdi; Bakken, Egil; St?len, Svein; Larring, Yngve & Thomas, Christopher Ian (2013). Oxygen non-stoichiometry and redox thermodynamics of LaMn1?xCoxO3?δ. Solid State Ionics. ISSN 0167-2738. 213, p. 49–57. doi: 10.1016/j.ssi.2012.10.009.
  • Pishahang, Mehdi; Bakken, Egil; St?len, Svein; Thomas, Christopher Ian & Dahl, Paul Inge (2013). Oxygen non-stoichiometry, redox thermodynamics, and structure of LaFe1 ? x Co x O3 ? δ. Ionics (Kiel). ISSN 0947-7047. 19(6), p. 869–878. doi: 10.1007/s11581-012-0811-z.
  • Pishahang, Mehdi; Mohn, Chris Erik; St?len, Svein & Bakken, Egil (2012). DFT-study of the energetics of perovskite-type oxides LaMO3 (M = Sc–Cu). RSC Advances. ISSN 2046-2069. 2, p. 10667–10672. doi: 10.1039/C2RA21139D.
  • Mohn, Chris Erik; Allan, Neil & St?len, Svein (2012). Structure of Nanoclusters on Oxide Substrates-Bi2O3 on SrTiO3. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters (NNL). ISSN 1941-4900. 4(2), p. 178–181. doi: 10.1166/nnl.2012.1294.
  • Pishahang, Mehdi; Bakken, Egil & St?len, Svein (2012). A novel coulometric titration setup Principals, design and leakage minimization. Thermochimica Acta. ISSN 0040-6031. 543, p. 137–141. doi: 10.1016/j.tca.2012.05.020.
  • Bakken, Egil; Dahl, Paul Inge; Haavik, Camilla; St?len, Svein & Larring, Yngve (2011). Redox energetics of perovskite-related La(B(1-x)B'(x)O(3-delta) oxides where BB' is GeCo, MnCo, MnNi and CoCu. Solid State Ionics. ISSN 0167-2738. 182(1), p. 19–23. doi: 10.1016/j.ssi.2010.11.021.
  • Mohn, Chris Erik; St?len, Svein & Kob, W (2011). Predicting the Structure of Alloys Using Genetic Algorithms. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. ISSN 1042-6914. 26(3), p. 348–353. doi: 10.1080/10426914.2011.552021.
  • Mohn, Chris Erik & St?len, Svein (2011). Influence of the stereochemically active bismuth lone pair structure on ferroelectricity and photocalytic activity of Aurivillius phase Bi2WO6. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. ISSN 1098-0121. 83(1). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.014103.
  • Bj?rheim, Tor Svendsen; Kuwabara, Akihide; Ahmed, Istaq; Haugsrud, Reidar; St?len, Svein & Norby, Truls (2010). A combined conductivity and DFT study of protons in PbZrO3 and alkaline earth zirconate perovskites. Solid State Ionics. ISSN 0167-2738. 181(3-4), p. 130–137. doi: 10.1016/j.ssi.2009.04.013.
  • Bj?rheim, Tor Svendsen; St?len, Svein & Norby, Truls (2010). Ab initio studies of hydrogen and acceptor defects in rutile TiO2. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP. ISSN 1463-9076. 12(25), p. 6817–6825. doi: 10.1039/b925823j.
  • Mohn, Chris Erik; St?len, Svein; Nordberg, Stefan T. & Hull, Stephen (2009). Oxide-ion disorder within the high temperature delta phase of Bi2O3. Physical Review Letters. ISSN 0031-9007. 102, p. 155502-1–155502-4.
  • Kuwabara, Akihide; Haugsrud, Reidar; St?len, Svein & Norby, Truls (2009). Local condensation around oxygen vacancies in t-LaNbO4 from first principles calculations. Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics - PCCP. ISSN 1463-9076. 11(27), p. 5550–5553. doi: 10.1039/b813881h.
  • Mohn, Chris Erik; St?len, Svein & Hull, Stephen (2009). Diffusion within alpha-CuI studied using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. ISSN 0953-8984. 21(33). doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/33/335403.
  • Mohn, Chris Erik; St?len, Svein; Norberg, ST & Hull, S (2009). Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of oxide-ion disorder in the delta-Bi2O3. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. ISSN 1098-0121. 80(2). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.024205.
  • Hull, S; Norberg, ST; Tucker, MG; Eriksson, SG; Mohn, Chris Erik & St?len, Svein (2009). Neutron total scattering study of the delta and beta phases of Bi2O3. Dalton Transactions. ISSN 1477-9226. p. 8737–8745. doi: 10.1039/b910484b.
  • Allan, N.L.; St?len, Svein & Mohn, Chris Erik (2008). Think locally - linking structure, thermodynamics and transport in grossly nonstoichiometric compounds and solid solutions. Journal of Materials Chemistry. ISSN 0959-9428. 18, p. 4124–4132. doi: 10.1039/b806156d.
  • St?len, Svein & Tr?nnes, Reidar G (2007). The perovskite to post-perovskite transition in CaIrO3: Clapeyron slope and changes in bulk and shear moduli by density functional theory. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. ISSN 0031-9201. 164, p. 50–62. doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2007.05.009.
  • S?nden?, Rune; S?nden?, Rune; St?len, Svein; Ravindran, P.; Ravindran, Ponniah & Grande, Tor [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2007). Corner- versus face-sharing octahedra in AMnO3 perovskites (A=Ca, Sr, and Ba). Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. ISSN 1098-0121. 75, p. 184105-1–184105-10. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.184105.
  • S?nden?, Rune; S?nden?, Rune; St?len, Svein; Ravindran, P.; Ravindran, Ponniah & Grande, Tor (2007). Heat capacity and lattice dynamics of cubic and hexagonal SrMnO3: Calorimetry and density functional theory simulations. Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. ISSN 1098-0121. 75, p. 214307-1–214307-8. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.214307.
  • Martinez, Jean Raphael; Mohn, Chris Erik; St?len, Svein & Allan, N.L. (2007). Ba2In2O4(OH)(2): Proton sites, disorder and vibrational properties. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. ISSN 0022-4596. 180, p. 3388–3392. doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2007.09.034.
  • Mohn, Chris Erik & St?len, Svein (2007). Average and local structure of alpha-CuI by configurational averaging. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. ISSN 0953-8984. 19. doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/19/46/466208.

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  • St?len, Svein (2011). En cocktail av kjemikalier. Cappelen Damm AS. ISBN 978-82-02-34681-2. 200 p.

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  • Brekke, Camilla; St?len, Svein; Reigstad, Marit; Petersson, Eivind Vad; H?verstad, Thor Arne & Skatteboe, Rolf [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2023). FRA HVITT TIL BL?TT: KUNNSKAP OG FORVALTNING AV FRAMTIDENS POLHAV.
  • Remonato, Filippo; Rana, Shahzad; St?len, Svein; Gjul, Gunn Karin; L?drup, Julie & Melsom, Nina [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2023). Hva gj?r kunstig intelligens med morgendagens arbeidsliv? [Internet]. Kulturhuset Oslo.
  • nrk, Dagsnytt atten; Holden, Lars; St?len, Svein & Moe, Ola Borten (2022). Krisen i 澳门葡京手机版app下载sr?det. [TV]. NRK.
  • Furevik, Tore; Halvorsen, Kristin; Sk?lin, Roar; Johnny, Johannessen; Nygaard, Kari & Mar?k St?le, Elisabeth [Show all 13 contributors for this article] (2020). Tre uomtvistelige fakta. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Aryeetey, Ernest; Engebretsen, Eivind; Gornitzka, ?se; Maassen, Peter & St?len, Svein (2020). Vaccine inequities expose fault lines in North-South collaboration. University World News.
  • Aryeetey, Ernest; Engebretsen, Eivind; Gornitzka, ?se; Maassen, Peter & St?len, Svein (2020). A step backwards in the fight against global vaccine inequities. The Lancet. ISSN 0140-6736. 397(10268). doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32596-4.
  • Dick, Gunnar; St?len, Svein & Brautaset, Trygve (2015). Digital Storsatsing. [Journal]. Popul?r vitenskapelig bilag- Vitenskap og Historie.
  • Eide, Hans A; Fotland, Margaret Louise; Kvale, Live H?ndlykken; Stangeland, Elin; St?len, Svein & Thomassen, Gard O Sundby [Show all 7 contributors for this article] (2015). Sharing and Storing Research Data A 4-level model of the Data flow.
  • Mohn, Chris Erik; St?len, Svein & Hull, Stephen (2012). Comment on "Dynamic Correlation between Superionic Coppers in alpha-CuI". Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. ISSN 0031-9015. 81(10). doi: 10.1143/JPSJ.81.106001.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Duftende kjemi. [Newspaper]. NTB-sak; diverse aviser.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Kjemi?ret: en cocktail av kjemikalier. Naturfag. ISSN 1504-4564. p. 66–70.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Kjemi i hverdagen.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Boklansering - en cocktail av kjemikalier. [TV]. NRK Morgennytt.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Kjemitimen - et antall innslag spredd over flere uker (lukt, kjemi og afrodisiaka; parfyme; selvrensende vinduer og rent vann). [Radio]. P4 - Radiokompaniet.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). En cocktail av kjemikalier.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). En cocktail av kjemikalier.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). En cocktail av kjemikalier.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Formidling p? norsk - en utfordring?
  • Kaas, Astrid Waaler & St?len, Svein (2011). Fra pengsesluket nederst p? Blindern til ufortjent mye ros.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Ikke best - hvorfor og hva s?? 澳门葡京手机版app下载spolitikk. ISSN 0333-0273.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Nanoteknologi.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Kjemi mot kladdef?re. [Radio]. NRK P1 EKKO.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Skism?ring. [Radio]. ?stlandssending.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Formelen for god smak. [Newspaper]. NTB-sak; Sunnm?rsposten og diverse andre lokalaviser.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Vaskeekte vitenskap. [Newspaper]. NTB-sak; Dagsavisen og diverse lokalaviser.
  • St?len, Svein (2011). Din daglige dose kjemi. [Newspaper]. NTB-sak; Dagsavisen + flere lokalaviser.
  • St?len, Svein (2010). Champagne. [Radio]. NRK ?stlandssendingen.
  • St?len, Svein (2010). Erfaringer med risikovurdering.
  • St?len, Svein (2010). Materials and renewable energy. Public Service Review: Science & Technology. ISSN 1757-2770.
  • St?len, Svein (2010). Cracking the energy code. Public Service Review: Science & Technology. ISSN 1757-2770.
  • St?len, Svein (2010). Varierende arbeidsmengde. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • St?len, Svein (2010). Hva er hydrogenperoksid? [Newspaper]. Dagens N?ringsliv.
  • Vedde, John ?ivind & St?len, Svein (2009). Kjemisk julekalender, webapplikasjon, med mange bidragsytere.
  • Vedde, John ?ivind & St?len, Svein (2009). Egg-koketid-kalkulator, webapplikasjon.
  • St?len, Svein & Sagstuen, Einar (2009). Budsjettkutt truer klimadr?m. Dagens n?ringsliv. ISSN 0803-9372.
  • St?len, Svein & Sagstuen, Einar (2009). Finansieringsordning truer milj?forskningen. Uniforum. ISSN 1891-5825.
  • Selbekk, Rune S & St?len, Svein (2009). Stein. ISSN 0802-9121. 36(3), p. 17–19.
  • St?len, Svein (2009). Hvordan koke det perfekte egg til p?ske. [Radio]. NRK P2, Verdt ? vite.
  • Bj?rheim, Tor S; St?len, Svein & Norby, Truls (2009). Hydrogen in rutile TiO2: A DFT study.
  • St?len, Svein (2009). - hva, hvorfor, hvordan og hva s??
  • St?len, Svein (2009). - hva, hvorfor, hvordan og hva s??
  • St?len, Svein; Karlsen, Ole Bj?rn & Vedde, John ?ivind (2008). Mange bidragsytere.
  • St?len, Svein & Vedde, John ?ivind (2008). Nettstedet er utarbeidet av en rekke personer, hvorav de fleste fra Kjemisk institutt, UiO.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). Lanseringen av og utstillingen Grunnstoffene - verdens byggeklosser i Galleri Sverdrup, Universitetsbiblioteket. [Radio]. Verdt ? Vite, NRK, P2.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). Grunnstoffenes navn, Verdt-?-vite. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). Lansering av og utstillingen Grunnstoffene - verdens byggeklosser. [TV]. Frokost TV, NRK.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). 6 innslag i nitimen om grunnstoffer i forbindelse med lanseringen av 19 til 26 februar. [Radio]. Nitimen, NRK P1.
  • St?len, Svein; Gorbitz, Carl Henrik; Omtvedt, Jon Petter & ?degaard, Knut J?rgen R?ed (2008). Verdt ? vite spesial: Grunnstoffene og periodesystemet. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). 13 kunnskapskorn i l?pet av v?ren 2008. [Radio]. NRK P2, Verdt ? vite.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). Selvlysende fiskekaker. [Radio]. NRK P2, Verdt ? vite.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). Fra jord, luft, ild og vann til en moderne vitenskap. [Radio]. NRK P2, Verdt ? vite.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). Arsenikk. [Radio]. NRK P2, Verdt ? vite.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). 7 kjemi-innslag i Nitimen i forbindelse med 17 mai. [Radio]. NRK P1.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). Urban gruvedrift. [Radio]. Verdt-?-vite, NRK P2.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). Sommerkjemi - en serie i Reiseradioen sommeren 2008 (et 20-tall innslag). [Radio]. NRK P1.
  • Tilset, Mats & St?len, Svein (2008). Nobelprisen i Kjemi 2008. [Radio]. Verdt ? vite, NRK P2.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). Gull i mobiltelefoner. [TV]. NRK 21-nyhetene.
  • Tr?nnes, Reidar G; Boffa-Ballaran, T; Frost, DJ; Balic-Zunic, T; Olsen, L.A. & St?len, Svein (2008). Phase relations and mineral physics of the lowermost mantle - the analogue compositional approach.
  • Tr?nnes, Reidar G; Boffa-Ballaran, T; Frost, DJ; Balic-Zunic, T; Olsen, L.A. & St?len, Svein (2008). The post-perovskite transition in moderate-pressure analogue systems.
  • Tr?nnes, Reidar G; Boffa-Ballaran, T; Frost, DJ; Balic-Zunic, T; Olsen, L.A. & St?len, Svein (2008). Phase relations, crystal chemistry and elasticity of perovskite and post-perovskite in CaIrO3-based analogue systems.
  • St?len, Svein & Mohn, Chris Erik (2008). Exploring the rough energy landscape of fast ion conductors.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). An introduction to first principles computational mineralogy and mineral physics.
  • Bj?rheim, Tor S; Kuwabara, Akihide; Ahmed, Istaq; Haugsrud, Reidar; St?len, Svein & Norby, Truls (2008). A combined conductivity and DFT study of protons in PbZrO3 and AZrO3 (A=Ca,Sr,Ba).
  • St?len, Svein (2008). - hva, hvorfor, hvordan og hva s?.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). Skal det v?re en cocktail av kjemikalier.
  • St?len, Svein (2008).
  • St?len, Svein (2008). Kjemikalier i hverdagen.
  • St?len, Svein (2008). Skal det v?re en cocktail av kjemikalier?
  • St?len, Svein (2007). Glass - more than decoration. EPG Glass Newsletter of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes. p. 6–17.
  • St?len, Svein (2007). Darwin i kjemien. [Radio]. Verdt ? Vite, NRK P2.
  • St?len, Svein (2007). Hydrogenperoksid og eksplosiver. [Radio]. Verdt ? vite, NRK P2.
  • St?len, Svein (2007). 16 kunnskapskorn i l?pet av h?sten 07. [Radio]. Verdt ? vite, NRK P2.
  • St?len, Svein (2007). Cyanider. [Radio]. Osenbanden, NRK P3.
  • Fjeld, Harald; Norby, Truls; Haugsrud, Reidar & St?len, Svein (2010). Ionic transport in atomic and nanodimensional structures in oxides. Det matematisk-naturvitenskaplige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 1501-7710.

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Published July 31, 2017 3:24 PM - Last modified Aug. 31, 2024 9:59 AM