If the student project is a sub-part of an existing project, simply upload the project description of the student project under the ForskPro entry of the main project:
- Click into the existing project and upload document(s) under the heading "Prosjektbeskrivelse med vedlegg".
- File name(s) should refer to the student, e.g. "Master_Northug_21.pdf"
- How the student handles data is highly relevant (tools used, temporary data storage, own computer etc.) and could be included in the protocol (preferred) or in a separate data management plan (DMP).
Free-standing projects
Establish new project by clicking "Registrer nytt prosjekt" in the ForskPro portal:
Step 1 - Define project
- Give project title
- Define project responsible (predefined - change if required)
- Define responsible unit (predefined - change if required)
- Indicate whether or not the project deals with personal information
- Indicate whether or not it is a health project
Once filled in click 'generate project'
Step 2 - Fill in relevant info (depends on how the project was defined in step 1)
About the project:
- Project info could be imported from NSD (if relevant)
- Define collaborating institutions (if any)
- Define involved researchers (internal and external) - add students name
- Project type - choose "Studentprosjekt"
- Define project timeline
- Add short project summary
- Provide link to project web page (if relevant)
- Upload relevant project documents; protocol, DMP, other files if relevant
- Indicate whether TSD is used and provide project number (if relevant)
- Indicate the use of any biobank (if relevant)
- Upload any approvals (if relevant)
Click "Lagre og vis" to finalize registration.