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Internal Ethics Committee

The objective of the Internal Ethics Committee is to provide ethical evaluations of research projects at the Department of Psychology. The committee consists of researchers from all sub-units and is led by a committee leader appointed by the leadership at the department.   

The evaluations are based on the topical knowledge of the committee members and National Ethical Guidelines for research. The committee mainly evaluates research projects which falls outside the mandate of the Regional Ethical Committees, but can evaluate other ethical questions when needed. 


  • Only researchers employed at the Department of Psychology (and students) can submit applications for evaluation.
  • Applications are submitted through UiO-Nettskjema along with required documentation.
  • Two committee members will evaluate each project and give their feedback via the administration.

Applicants could be asked to provide additional information or to make changes. When the project is in line with ethical guidelines and best practices the applicants will receive a written recommendation of the project.

If project changes are needed the applicants can submit an update, which then will be evaluated by the secretary and the committee leader. Major changes could require the application to be sent back to the committee for a new evaluation.

The research administration will aid in evaluating data protection and data management.


Link for submitting application

Committee contact info:

Published Feb. 17, 2020 2:50 PM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2024 2:56 PM